Am I understanding the Water Adjustment tool?


Apr 3, 2012
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I am just getting into water adjustments and have gotten a water report on my tap water.  I am planning to adjust the water for a pale wheat beer.  My thought is to take 5 gallons of my tap water and dilute it with 5 gallons of distilled (mainly to reduce the sodium) and then build it back up with additions to get it where it needs to be for a pale balanced beer.  Attached is a screen shot of what I have done with the water tool in Beersmith.  Based on what I have done, it is my understanding that I will have 10 gallons of water to which I will add 3.2g of gypsum, 2.0g of Epsom Salt and 4.2g of CaCl.  This 10 gallons will be the total volume of water I need to brew the batch.  Have I got all that right or is there something I am not correctly understanding about how this tool works?  Thanks for the help in advance.
