APA length of time in secondary.


Grandmaster Brewer
Apr 15, 2015
Reaction score
Tasmania, Australia
I had to rack my APA I made in to a secondary as I got called back to work at short notice. It had been in the primary for 2 weeks and I had dry hoped it for 3 days  then got the call from work and had no time to bottle it.
My question's are

1: I am stuck at work now for 6 weeks when I get back home will it still have enough yeast in suspension for it to carbonate properly ?

2: should I dry hop it again for a few days before bottling ?

I have it stored at 18 degrees C  and there is about 3 inches of head space in the fermentor. If I had co2 to purge the oxygen I would but I do not.
Any advise on this would be greatly appreciated as I have never had to do this before and I am not sure if it is OK to leave a Pale Ale this long in the secondary.

arctic78 said:
1: I am stuck at work now for 6 weeks when I get back home will it still have enough yeast in suspension for it to carbonate properly ?

A lot of people proclaim you shouldn't have to re-pitch yeast unless you've cold crashed your beer. In my experience, I re-pitch if I haven't bottled within 3-4 weeks of the brew day because I've found that my bottles carb faster with fresh yeast.

arctic78 said:
2: should I dry hop it again for a few days before bottling ?

I think you'll be fine when you get back from work. Dry hopping doesn't really impart flavor as much as it does aroma. I'm sure you'll find that it tastes great when you return. If you think the aroma is lost, then go ahead and dry hop. But I think it'll be unnecessary for an APA.

IPA's might be the concern for the extended period of time as the hops dissipate over the beers maturity. But even at 6 weeks, I think you'd be okay.
Thanks for you advise bobo.
I always cold crash my beers before bottling and have never had problems with carbonation . They are normally carbonated  up by two weeks in the bottle.  I have never left a beer this long though in the secondary. 
when you pitch more yeast what amount do you use ??? or how do you calculate the amount to pitch??
arctic78 said:
I always cold crash my beers before bottling and have never had problems with carbonation .

I have also heard this, but not very often.

arctic78 said:
when you pitch more yeast what amount do you use ??? or how do you calculate the amount to pitch??

My batches around bottling time run between 5 and 5.25 gallons. I typically use Wyeast and use one smack pack if I'm re-pitching, which is way more than I probably need (if I've harvested yeast from primary, I'll pitch whatever I collected in a pint mason jar). If some people never second pitch yeast, you have to figure you probably don't need much. I would think this especially holds true if you make starters for brew day. I've heard that individuals who use dry yeast, re-hydrate half the pack and pitch that. The more important factor is the amount of sugar rather than the amount of yeast. Only concern with yeast, at this point, is if they're over stressed (under pitched on brew day or high ABV).

I'm thinking you shouldn't worry too much. If you're concerned with so much time passing during it's maturity before bottling, then re-pitch the yeast. It wouldn't hurt. Only real downside is cost.

I re-pitch directly in the bottling bucket with my priming sugar and rack on top as you normally would. Some people pitch in secondary a week before bottling. I'm pretty sure that doesn't really make a difference.
I always make a starter for my beers. This one was from some wyeast 1217 that I harvested  from my last batch and I always slightly over pitch from what beersmith and mr malty say. So as I said I have never left a beer this long before bottling but reading what you wrote I take that it may not be necessary to re pitch ???? is that correct?

I think you'll be okay.

Again, if I cold crashed before I bottled, then I would re-pitch. But if you have found no problem in doing that, then you'll probably be fine. I'd only say it might take a little longer than two weeks to carb up.

Still not sure why I've had a different experience than other in that.
Thanks again for the help much appreciated.
I noticed that you have a mosaic IPA  I just put together a recipe for an IPA with mosaic and simcoe to make when I get back .
How did it turn out for you?
No problem.

I haven't been able to try the mosaic yet. It's been in the bottle for about a week. Also because of work, I won't be able to try it for a couple more weeks. I primarily used mosaic and zythos during the boil and then dry hopped with mosaic for a week. Of course I tasted it after primary and after secondary. First time using mosaic and I have to say I'm a big fan. I'm very excited for when I get to drink it fully carbed.
arctic78 said:
I noticed that you have a mosaic IPA  I just put together a recipe for an IPA with mosaic and simcoe to make when I get back .
How did it turn out for you?

Just a update to your question...Mosaic IPA turned out fantastic!
How'd your APA turn out, Arctic?

It's after the fact, I know, but I'll share my experience. I've cold-crashed each of my last dozen batches prior to bottling (usually for three days but once for 10 days because I was out of the country). I've never re-pitched yeast. Each of the batches have carbonated fully within two weeks.

As for leaving a batch in secondary longer than anticipated, I last winter left a batch sitting on the trub for seven weeks for lack of bottles. It might not have tasted perfect, but I was perfectly OK with it.
Good to hear the IPA turned out well😊 I am now eager to make mine but still not home yet.
  @ mofo can't tell you how the APA is as it is still not bottled yet. Not getting home till the 30th. Was very happy to hear about your experience with leaving your brews and cold crashing . Thanks