Bazooka Screen in kettle

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shakey_Dog
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Does anyone have a Bazooka in their kettle for filtering out hop pellets?

I have one that will be coming today along with a Bazooka T for my MLT (batch sparger).

Do the pellets clog it or does it run ok?

I have a double brew day coming up on the 29th and I want everything to run smooth.  The beer for an auction. :)

I don't use a stainless screen of any type, but all the cautions I've seen for kettle use say Pellets will clog it.

That is what I have read also.  I was just wondering if anybody had used one and could tell me first hand.

I guess I will find out for myself :-/


I have found NOTHING that filters out the pellets as well as I would like.

The absolute best I can do is to filter into the primary and rack after ~4 days or so.  I use the legs of sterilized panty hose.

I tried these "screens" and I don't think I will go back to them.  (You can get a lot of hosery for that $$).
I use a s/s braid for plugs but not for pellets. It's extremely effective for plugs but nearly always clogs when using pellets. I've found it depends on the amount of pellets - anything over 80g (5oz) has caused me problems.

The way I have my boiler set up is threaded brass protruding to about 1/3 the way to the centre of my boiler and a compression fitting with 1/2" copper pipe curving around to the edge of the boiler and angled down to where the base meets the side. The s/s braid is attached to the pipe using a hose clamp and crimped at the other end. This is then curved around the base of the boiler. My boiler is keg so it's base is concave and I find the flowers will sink to the lowest point.

When using pellets, I simply change the fitting to a short piece of pipe (3") that extends to the centre of the boiler and is angled down to extract as much wort as possible - no filtering is necessary with pellets. At flameout, whirlpool and allow to sit for 10 mins. Then run off the first 300ml or so until it runs clear. You may still get some break material and hop debris coming through but it's nothing to worry about. It will settle out in the fermenter.

Yea the pellets clog it.  I thought I would give it try.  Oh well.  

But the Bazooka T in the MLT is great.  Wort clears faster and my runoff is faster.  This is great for batch sparging.

Yes, my name is Don and I am a batch sparger.  And I sniff airlocks too ;D.

Just sniffed 10 gal of a brown ale sitting next to me.  It has been named the Drunk Monk.  Brother Michael likes to dip into the house brown. :D
