Beer Smith 2 Equipment Questions


New Forum Member
May 20, 2013
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I have Beer Smith 2.  I was setting up the equipment profile for a 5 gallon extract brew kettle.  It says I need 6.6 gallons of preboil.  My question is, how can I add 6.6 gallons to a 5 gallon kettle?  My plan was to do everything with 3 gallons of water then after I transferred to primary top off.  This is what my clone kits that I have solely done before say to do. 

Any help would be great
What happens if you put 2 gallons in the "top up water" box on the fermentor side of the equipment profile?
Yep, "top up water" is the way to use a 5-gal pot.  Another suggestion would be to try to boil 4 gallons, and try FermCap to kill the foam and prevent boilovers. 

The more wort you boil, the better.  It will vary by protein content, hops, etc., from batch to batch as to how high you can push the level of wort.