BeerSmith 3 on iPad


Oct 2, 2019
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Good morning! I am up and running with BeerSmith 3 on my work computer on my desk. I would like to log in using my iPad for working in the cellar.

Can you please guide me to the procedure to get logged in?

You need to purchase the mobile version from the app store.
I did purchase the mobile version. What I can?t figure out is how to access my brews saved in my desktop profile.

The two do not automatically share information. If you created a recipe on your desktop you need to copy that recipe to the cloud. Now the mobile version can open it.

Be aware now that any changes you make to one will not be reflected on the other. I don't know how many times I have made a last minute tweak to a recipe on my desktop the night before brew day - then the next morning take my iPad out to the garage to begin brewing only to discover part way through the process that the change I made last night is not in the recipe on my mobile device.

The good news is if I read Brad's last blog post correctly is that some sort of cloud sharing capability is being worked on for a future software update.
Kevin58 said:
The two do not automatically share information. If you created a recipe on your desktop you need to copy that recipe to the cloud. Now the mobile version can open it.

Be aware now that any changes you make to one will not be reflected on the other. I don't know how many times I have made a last minute tweak to a recipe on my desktop the night before brew day - then the next morning take my iPad out to the garage to begin brewing only to discover part way through the process that the change I made last night is not in the recipe on my mobile device.

The good news is if I read Brad's last blog post correctly is that some sort of cloud sharing capability is being worked on for a future software update.

Excellent! Thanks!
Or, download Teamviewer or other services on your tablet/computer and do the process on your computer via teamviewer on your tablet...
As long as you are working form the desktop recipe from the "Cloud" folder, all changes you make on the desktop should be available from the cloud on the app as well, and vice versa. The cloud folder syncs between all devices. If you make a change to it on the desktop and save, and you have the recipe currently open on the app, you'll need to close the recipe and re-open it to see the changes. Likewise, if you make changes to the recipe on the app and save, you'll need to close and re-open on the desktop to see the changes. If you make changes on both devices, whichever saved last ig going to override the other changes. It does not sync the way a Google Doc does, in which multiple people/devices can work on the same document simultaneously.

Any recipes on the desktop or the app that are NOT in the cloud folder will not sync between devices.
The cloud is an awesome feature of BeerSmith. Using a laptop or tablet in the brewery would be cumbersome. But with the cloud I can carry my phone and have all the current information at hand. Great tool!