BeerSmith 3 Subscription Licensing Question


Jun 28, 2018
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I am curious how the subscription licensing as well as how your basic purchase licensing works.  I currently own 2.3 and mobile,  I use them locally and the basic 15 recipe cloud storage is handy.  It is great software and I am really looking forward to the new version soon before the price goes up.

I am interested in the subscriptions for updates, etc., but I want to understand the differences between it and the straight out purchase (other than the major updates and cloud recipe space).  I read on the website that you will be adding more web based features.  Will these only be available to subscribers?

Do I need to buy the software and then add the maintenance subscription? Is the subscription also for locally installed software or is it web based? If you don't have to purchase the software ahead of the subscriptions, what happens after a year or two if I decide not to renew (I am not sure I need 125 recipes in the cloud all the time).  If installed locally, does my software time bomb or will I still be able to use BS locally on my PCs, just without major upgrades? How would I cancel the auto renewal?

If I were to buy the software and the subscription, can I install it on 4 PCs. I would like to install it on my laptop, a desktop in my brewery as well as on my lab desk at work. It is a concurrent user license or strictly a machine license?

As person who deals with software licensing and maintenance on a daily basis, I want to make sure I do the right thing and know what I am getting.

Tim Trabold

I started with BS2 with the one time price. I found the 15 recipe limit rather... well, ...limiting. So when I pre-ordered BS3 in early June I opted for the Gold subscription level. In addition to an increase from 15 to 125 recipes in the cloud you also get cloud archiving. Changes you make in your recipe are archived automatically so if you make a recipe today and mess something up later... you have the original in the archive.

The breakdown of what each level includes is here...