Beersmith upgrade....


Jan 25, 2011
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Any news on the new release?

With all the chatter I can't spend the money on the old version unless I get the new version when it comes out. long till the new version or can you allow new buyers to get the new version when it is released?

Following this thread. Been wondering the same thing.

Here is a cut and paste update from the man:

I get this question a lot and I appreciate your interest! 

  I'm working 8-10 hours a day programming the next version of BeerSmith which includes the Mac version.  My current schedule is to have a beta out early next month and then set the launch date once we have some of the initial test results.  Since this is a complete rewrite of the program and I have a large user base, I'm not going to rush the release - I want to make sure it is right!

  However, assuming testing goes well, I hope to have it out this Spring including the Mac version.  I have not been talking about it much because I want to get into testing and find out what kind of shape the product is in before I commit to a launch date.  However, if you keep an eye on the site I will have a lot more information about it coming as I get closer to launch.


I guess thats the problem with talking about a new release.  I am not going to spend money a product which is going to obsolete in the spring. 

So instead of paying money now and getting to use this app, I have to either "waste" my money or go with another product which isnt going to be retired in 3 months.

Frustrating from an end user point of view.  As a software dev team member myself, I understand delays and how that happens.