BIAB Infusion Step Mash


Master Brewer
Feb 7, 2011
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I want to do a step mash with infusion.  When I click the BIAB box, this seems to mess that plan up.  Has anybody set up a mash profile like this?  I've been playing with the Single Infusion Light body and setting the sparge to 0%.

The BIAB box indicated that you'll be mashing in with the entire volume of brewing water.

A single infusion is not a step mash. An infusion step mash involves multiple rests at different temperatures. The temperature is raised after each rest by adding (infusing) very hot (usually boiling) water. With BIAB you would do the temperature increases by carefully applying heat to your kettle.

I agree. With BIIB you heat water, take it off the heat, and mash in the kettle, one step. The simplicity is the whole purpose of BIIB.
I also forgot a few things this morning:
I might be stupid about a few things, but heating grains/sugars on direct heat (which is what you would have to do with BIIB on a step mash I assume) would probably not be a real good idea flavor wise.
Second, I assume you want to do this to increase head retention, maybe?
Try 1/2 lb. of white wheat in your recipe (5 gallons) if it is somewhat within the style. That might help you cheat a little bit.
For old school BIAB, with a cloth bag in a kettle on a flame, it is very risky to increase the temperature because the bag can scorch and become fused to the bottom of the kettle. I know because it happened to me despite my trying to be very careful. With an electric system that may not be the case. Some heating elements are ultra-low watt density and will not burn the bag. A false bottom can also keep the bag off the bottom of the kettle or heating element. I can now do step mashes with no fear of burning the bag or scorching the grains. I don't generally see a need to do a step mash, but I do raise the temperature to 168 before pulling the bag.

easy enough just don't mash full volume hold back a couple gallons and boil then add it in to step up or you can do a decoction which is the only time I'll step up the mash temperatures, Of course you need another pot and burner