BM 500


New Forum Member
Oct 1, 2020
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is there any out there wich can share hard profile or other experience in Braumeister500.

Please can we have this as an diskussion topic.

regards Jodu Sweden
Have you checked the add-ons to see if this model is included? There is an add on for Braumeister equipment
Check the Braumeisters forums or search google for "Braumeister 500 beersmith profile" to get there.  There are posts about Beersmith profile and the BM 500.
I did a Google search and found this reply on the Braumeister forum to someone asking the very same question... Note the caveat about differing profiles. Two people using the exact same system will almost always have different results due to the brewers processes not being the same. You will no doubt need to do some tweaking over time to get an accurate profile that you can depend on.

Yes I have a profile for the 500.
Note that yours will be different, (due to your mill, losses in hoses, how you boil, (our boil is 75minsBTW) how much trub you're happy with etc) but mine is a starting point for you to get going.
No deadspace
50L boil off in 75mins
38L trub and chiller loss
30L fermenter loss
24L cooling loss
68% overall efficiency.