Brew calendar in 2.0 is a huge step back from the original.


Jan 21, 2013
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The brew calendar used in the 2.0 software is basically useless as compared to the original. You do not even have the day column headers. You should basically just copy the design of the original and apply to the new code using the recipe fermentation profile schedule etc.
I'd love to see Beersmith 1. Is there anything about 2 that keeps you from reverting back?
I did not experience BS1. But this calendar feature is a bust for sure! My paper calendar is light years ahead of this digital version. The fermentation schedule should be user adjustable for the beer recipe not a standard set amount of time! 4 days for a primary?? Today IS the 4th day on our MLK brewday beer and using US-05 pitched dry we STILL have 4 inches of kraeusen in the primary! I'd say this progam needs a lot of work...

Now I have received information on how to do what I am complaining about. The Fermentation Profile can be adjusted and expanded from the preset choices! Yay!

Now I'd say I've a lot of work ahead of me!