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Brewing Supplies - Thanks to Adventures in Homebrewing


Staff member
Grandmaster Brewer
Apr 5, 2003
Reaction score
Adventures in Homebrewing was kind enough to join us as a sponsor for the combined BeerSmith sites recently.

Please give consideration to purchasing your brewing supplies and equipment from Adventures in Homebrewing - they carry a full range of homebrewing ingredients, supplies, and equipment to meet your brewing needs.

Thanks again to Jason Smith and the whole gang at Adventures in Homebrewing for their support!


It's nice to know that Brew supply stores acknowledge BeerSmith! I have never heard of them, so i will go check them out!

I'm fortunate enough to live within a reasonable drive from Adventures. In fact, after visiting a sailing friend who brews only Stout, I got the bug and got courious.  I drove up to Adventures, looked around, Jason spent much more time than the dollares he made answering 'DUMB' questions!!  After I got to try his Christmas beer, I bought Brewers Best Bucket Kit, and a Brewers Best 'Alt'Bier Kit.  Great Guy ...........
Great Store ................  Damn Him anyway!!!
I think this time around I want to dig a bit deeper into the science of sugar and yeast, but I am getting way ahead of myself :).  The only hardware I have left from my old operation is 1 of my surviving glass carboys that serves as a change container for my vacation fund :)  ...I don't even have a big old mash pot any more.

SO, anyways, stopping by to say HI!  I will probably be tossing out some questions as I am sure there have been some technology advancements (this BeerSmith software sure looks cool, sure wish it ran on a mac, i'd own it in a heartbeat if it did) as well as some changes in supplier relations.
I have order quite a bit from then and never had any issue's , only to by fault
Great People, Great HB store, How many points to you have ? LOL