

Jan 21, 2009
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just a suggestion on the printout for brewing day.  I like the format it prints out with the bold lines around all the different Steps.  One item which would be nice is in the Boil section of the brew sheet.  It would be nice if there was a thinner line (not so bold) seperating the timing steps in the Boil.  They get clumped together making it hard to seperately read them and check them off.  A lighter line would allow visual seperation and checking off in steps.  I currently just pencil in a line to do this, but if it is not that big of a programming fix?  The only other suggestion would be to move the "Measure Original Gravity" and the "Measure Batch Volume" steps ahead of the "Add ingredients to Fermentor" (namely yeast addition so that I do not have the yeast starter as part of my hydrometer sample). I realize some people put their hydrometer directly into their pails, but it is hard to get it back out when using a carboy  :D
  There is a version of the brewsheet that is customizable in the templates directory.  Take a look at it as it allows a pretty high level of customization.  You can copy it to a new file and modify it to create your own template.

You can find the templates directory where the application is installed. I have mine at C:\Program Files\Beersmith\templates.

Duplicate one of the templates and modify it to your liking. Next go to Tools\Options, then go to the Reports tab. Click add and name new report. Choose a data Type. Click the Browse button and browse to the location of the new template (C:\Program Files\Beersmith\templates\my_report.htm) and click ok.

Next go to your recipes. Choose your new report from the drop down box near the top of the screen. High lite one of your recipies and it should display using the new report.

Here is the help for adding templates which details the above information:

Hope this helps

I created a copy of the brewsheet under the program files and renamed.  I converted it to an Exel file since I couldn't edit it in the browser.  I went to options and browsed to find it and added it there.  When I clicked on a recipe I could see the modifications in the lower pane when I added my new brewsheet from the drop down box.  I hen opened the recipe and clicked on "preview brewsheet" and it didn't show the changes.  I just looked like my old brewsheet.  Where did I go wrong? 