I just purchased a new 20 gallon Brew Boss system, my question is; If I'm wanting to do 5, 10 and 15 gallon brews do I need to create 3 different equipment profiles, or do I just use the same as what it would be for the 20 gallon kettle calls for?
Short answer is, you're probably going to want to have separate profiles.
It depends on if you're counting any "loss to trub & chiller" in the profile. This measurement will have a significant effect on your Brewhouse Efficiency.
Since Brewhouse Efficiency is the sum of all sugars that make it to the fermenter, the same size loss to trub will be an increasing percentage of the smaller volumes. This will have the net effect of lowering your Brewhouse Efficiency with smaller batches.
For example:
Assume the system's loss to trub is 1/2 gallon and doesn't change based on batch size.
For 20 gallons: 0.5/20 = 0.025 or 2.5% loss.
For 5 gallons: 0.5/5 = 0.1 or 10% loss.
That substantially different percentage gets subtracted from your mash efficiency to get your Brewhouse efficiency.
Assume your system gets 80% mash efficiency.
For 20 gallons: 0.8 - (0.8*.025) = 0.78 or net 78% Brewhouse Efficiency.
For 5 gallons: 0.8 - (0.8*0.1) = 0.72 or net 72% Brewhouse Efficiency.
Accurate Brewhouse Efficiencies will allow you to design one recipe and scale it to your volume needs quickly in BeerSmith.