Changing ABV with mash profiles + 1 more question


Mar 5, 2014
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Why does the ABV in a recipe change each time you switch mash profiles? I typed in all the statistics for my herms system, but it does this with all the profiles in BS. Can there really be that much difference? Also, sometimes when I click on "brew steps"(when using my personal herms profile), it tells me to fly sparge with the total water body of the brewing session and skips the mash step.  Where am I going wrong? Thanks.
For your initial question on the changing ABV with changing the mash profile, the answer is yes.  Higher mash temperatures promote the cleaving of the starches from the malts into random segments.  This often leaves longer sugars (dextrins) which are not usable by the yeast cells and less usable sugars which can be converted by the yeast into alcohol.  Lower mash temperatures promote the sectioning off of maltose units leading to a highly fermentable wort and higher alcohol content.

As for the missing mash steps, you would need to export a recipe demonstrating this for us to troubleshoot for you.  Was this a mash profile you created yourself or one of the mash profiles which came with the program? 
check out this post, i linked a photo from a back issue of Zymurgy that involved a study on mash temps and yeast attenuation. It'll show you exactly how much mash temps can change alcohol.,20088.msg72707.html#msg72707

and as Oginme stated, attach a recipe and perhaps we can diagnose your concern. more than likely its a simple mistake!
Thanks guys. I was pretty meticulous about my personal mash profile. I entitled it "herms". I entered the info as carefully as possible(mash tun deadspace, ect). I will review everything.
Again, feel free to upload a .bsmx recipe using your equipment and that mash profile and I'm sure it'll get looked over with another set of eyes.

Sometimes it takes another person to see the thing right in front of you. I don't know how many times i couldn't find my keys (in my hand) or my glasses (on my face) and had to rely on my significant other to tell me how much of an idiot i was...