

Master Brewer
Mar 11, 2017
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Hello, we have a small batch brewery producing about 350l (packaged) per batch. Our processes, hops and yeast are fairly constant. However, our beer is not as consistent as we would like it. I suspect it is because we do not always get our speciality malts from the same maltster. Is there a way to adjust or should one adjust the recipe? Any other variables we could look at?
You need to be following SOPs (standard operating procedures) written for the processes carried out in your brewery environment. That includes processes like recruitment, training and monitoring throughout the process, standardising ingredients, etc. That's the bottom line when it come to consistency. SOPs and following them. Any business owes that much to ensure they fulfill meeting their customers' expectations.
You could try buying malts from several maltsters and blend them. That way if one isn't available it doesn't have that big an effect on the finished beer.