counterflow chiller

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shakey_Dog
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I am thinking of getting a counterflow chiller.  Right now I use an immersion chiller and have burned the house several times >:(.

Are they easy to clean?
Are they easy to use?
Are they woth the investment?

To your questions:

Are they easy to clean?
Yes, no worries.  I have a Super-Ultima Brewtree system (Also has the E-Z access option, so it has a pump) with the with dual chillers.  I simply use Starsan or Idophor and let it sit in the chillers while I brew.  Then, when I'm ready to transfer to the fermenters, I just turn on the pump, push the sterilant out, and viola, chilled wort  ;D

Are they easy to use?
Extremely--I was leary when I first got them as I was used to counterflow, but now I'll NEVER go back.

Are they woth the investment?
IMHO, yes--but everyone hs their personal preferences.   I think they make the hobby easier and more fun, and hey, that's what it's all about  ;)

Oh and up above, I meant used to an immersion chiller, not a counterflow.

Friday brain-fart  ::)

I get some, but I don't consider it much of a problem.  In fact, a little cold break is good yeast nutrients.

Are you thinking of making or buying your counterflow?

I was thinking of buying. Northern Brewer has one for 54.95.  That is best price I have seen.

The funfest tool I made in brewing is the chiller; I made mine, but the system is sound.
I pump ice chilled water thru the system and cool the 10 gallons quickly.
The chill break material I dump at 30 minutes when I use my conical fermentor. This was the best addition to my brewing enjoyment.
The sale price is a good investment.

I will be cooling 5 gal.  So it will be pitching temp when it gets to the bucket.  That is a big time saver.  Will it be just as good if I go the gravity route?  I do not have a pump and was not planning on getting one, as I have just bought some other items (new SS 9 gal brew pot with spigot, new cool burner with stand on the the side to hold stuff)  and I do not think that I could get 2 more things past the wife.

Maybe I could hold her razz. wheat hostage until I get it ;)

 Like any other peice of brew gear you have, it is easy to clean, if you clean it after each use. If you do not clean it after you use it, then it will be very hard to clean later.

 It is as easy to use as an immersion chiller and works about 10x as fast. I can cool 7usg wort from 212F to 65F in about 5 minutes with tap water about 55F. Also, I siphon, no pump.

 Hot break stays in the boiler, but all of the cold break goes into the fermentor. This isn't really a problem, as the yeast need it anyway.


As liquid said, they are very easy to clean as long as you do it soon after your done brewing.

Like I said, I really like mine, and prefer it very much over an immersion.  But, like everything in this hobby, the equipment that you use really comes down to a matter of personal preference.  My feeling is that when I brew I want to relax, I don't want to make it a job, so anything that makes relaxing easier when I brew is what I like  :)

My two cents.

Thanks for your thoughts :)

I think I might get one now.  I am always looking for a new gadget.  Hmm what to get next ::)
