Dead Computer- Installing on a 3rd Computer


New Forum Member
Sep 7, 2015
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Hello, forgive me if there's already an existing topic on this, but I couldn't anything.  I recently had my main laptop die on me completely and I can't go in to uninstall it to free up the license.  Not sure if that's how that works, but I know there's a two computer limit.  I have it on another laptop, but it's not one I use all the time.  I plan on replacing the damaged one- how do I free up the license on my dead computer so I can install it onto my replacement?

I have a related issue. I had my directory stored in Dropbox and had to reinstall on a new machine. I decided to point the new installation at my old directory, expecting it to open with all my recipes and personal configuration. It didn't do so and it now appears that I can't restore my old files as they have been overwritten. I can still see my recipes in the Archive folder and all my other settings maybe there too but I don't know how to restore, even if you can. As this is 3 years of work I am understandably a little nervous I have lost everything. Can anyone help?
myquestinlife said:
I plan on replacing the damaged one- how do I free up the license on my dead computer so I can install it onto my replacement?

Use the Recover Key function. When you install BeerSmith on the new computer go to Help > Recover Key and follow the instructions.

If you have a backup of ../Documents/BeerSmith2 folder, you'llcopy and paste this over the same directory on the new computer. This directory has all of your recipes and custom profiles. Paste it after recovering the key.
I have a similar issue - dead computer, reinstalling - and I have gotten the new instance of BeerSmith up and running on the new system.  However, when I copy over the documents/Beersmith2 folder onto the new machine, none of my recipes show in the My Recipes view.  How do I get them to appear?  Do I have to import them all?  Thanks in advance -
Disregard the question - turns out I kept the wrong set of files (newer) when I copied over the files from the backup.  All the recipes are back - phew!