Diammonium Phosphate Overdose???


New Forum Member
Jun 22, 2015
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My 1 lb bag from L.D. Carlson stated 1 tsp per gallon....now I am reading that it is 1 tsp per 5 gallons???? Am I just going to have a hyper speed fermentation in my conical or do I need to be worried about poisoning my customers???? Is there a negative to what I did. I have 35 gallons in my conical right now and don't want to have to dump it if I don't have to...
The dosage rates for DAP are for wine and cider making. Malt has a lot of nutrients in it, so you'd feed only to make the yeast healthier for repitching. Dosing at 1 tsp for 5 gallon is still a little high, but a good round number.

Ther isn't much flavor consequence from using too much. You might notice a little bit of twang from it.  Excess nutrient becomes food for contaminating organisms, so as long as you drink it quickly, you should be fine. However, residual DAP can have a laxative effect while it feeds your gut bacteria.