Equipment profile request for Spike Brewing Spike+ 1BBL System


Nov 9, 2018
Reaction score
Little Falls, NY
First time poster, long time forum lurker!!

My wife and I just bought a Spike Brewing Spike+ 1BBL brewing system and would like to know where to look for an equipment profile for the BeerSmith software.  Thank you very much!

Looking forward to being a part of this community!
You can easily make your own equipment profile for the system.  There are several tutorials on the main BeerSmith site and several you tube videos which will walk you through developing a good profile.  Of particular interest may be the one from Short Circuited Brewing at

Oginme said:
You can easily make your own equipment profile for the system.  There are several tutorials on the main BeerSmith site and several you tube videos which will walk you through developing a good profile.  Of particular interest may be the one from Short Circuited Brewing at

Thank you!  I will definitely use that to help build my profile.  I did end up finding a pretty good start of a profile on the Spike User Group on FaceBook as well.  Hopefully between the 2 sources I can get my own dialed in properly.
Any chance you can share that link to the spot on FaceBook? I can't find it and I would like to see what they have so I don't start from scratch. Thank you!
search "spike brewing user group"

request to join the group,

search "beersmith profile" within the group and i'm guessing you'll get the results.

i'm not a member of the group, but I'm guessing you'll be able to get the help you need there!
Came right up for me on a search.  Link: