First Wort Hopping (FWH) in Extract brewing


Master Brewer
Jul 7, 2016
Reaction score

In the few threads I have been able to find on the Net about brewing extract with FWH, I couldn't find a simple explanation on how to do that.

Even in Beersmith, when I create an extract recipe and add hop with First Wort option (10 min boil), if I go in the timers section, there are no timer and no information on when and which temperature use this hop.

So do you have a simple set of instructions to how I should do a First Wort Hop with an extract recipe?

Thank you!
First wort hopping is the addition of hops as teh wort is being collected and raised to boiling.  You can do the same thing with extract: add the hops to the water and extract  as your are bringing them up to the boil. 
So, if I use steeping grains, should this be the steps:

Raise temp water to 155F
Steep specialty grains for 30 min (155F)
Put Hop for FWH until water starts boiling

Do I need to remove the FWH once it boils or should I stay it with the boil for the duration of the boil?


Is there a difference for FWH if I steep with 3 gal or with full recipe (6gal)?


Should I put the extract before FWH or after or?


Is there any specification on how much quantity of hop to use at FWH?

Thank you!
To get the full utilization of the hops, i would recommend leaving the hops in for the full boil.  Some of the latest studies suggest that the hop oils and acids are nearly fully leached out of the vegetal matter within a short time, so you can probably get away with removing the hops after the wort starts boiling.

There is a little loss in doing a partial boil, but for as long as the hops are in the wort, you should be fine either way.

You can add the extract either before or after the fwh
The are no real specifications, it really comes down to how bitter you want the beer to be.  BeerSmith does give you an estimate of the bitterness through the IBU model. 

As with a lot of practices in brewing, how you operate your process is up to you.  For a lot of your questions there really is not a right or wrong answer.  You will just end up with a slightly different beer.

Thank you.

In Beersmith3, what is the purpose of putting time for FWH, if we cannot see it in the recipe steps or in the timers?

And this time is how long you keep it in the water before boiling?
The time is to tell the program how long it will be in the kettle in for the calculation of IBU.  I will set it for the length of the boil, since with that time in the boil you are pretty much realizing the full amount of bitterness you will get from the hops.
So if I input 10 min in FWH and I boil for 60 min, BS should understand that this hop will be in the kettle for 70 min? It could take longer than 10 min to reach boil temperature though. Since the hop doesn't boil, it doesn't have any impact on the bitterness? Does it mean the time is only for information since it will only impact the flavor instead of bitterness?

I think I'm still messed up.
No, if you put in 10 minutes FWH, then the program thinks that the hops are only seeing 10 minutes time in the wort.  If you are boiling for 60 minutes, set your FWH for 60 minutes.
I put 60 min, even if I put it before or after steeping while waiting for the boil (but before boil) ?
Yes, steeping releases the alpha acids, but they do not start isomerizing until the temperature reaches about 170F.  They continue to become isomerized throughout the boil.  The program takes into account the boil time when figuring out the amount of the alpha acids which get utilized.  By the time they have been in the wort for 60 minutes, the amount which becomes isomerized is pretty much all you are going to get.  The short time they are in the wort before bringing it to a boil is inconsequential to the amount which gets utilized during the boil.