Go-Ferm addition inconsistency and Yeast size obseveration


Grandmaster Brewer
Master Brewer
Aug 13, 2007
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I am confused about Go-Ferm addition and associated yeast amount in BeerSmith 3.

I have selected the Lalvin 71B-1122 yeast. 

Using the TiONSA protocol the Starter tab says add 8.5 gram Go-Ferm.
The Design tab says to add 14.9 gram of Go-Ferm.

Which amount of Go-Ferm should be used?

Since it is difficult to introduce 1.4 packages, is there any downside to using two packages?

Based on your description, I think you're seeing two differing points in the process. The starter is the starter and the batch is the batch.

The nutrient calculator is going from grams of yeast for the starter. The calculator then gives you other additions and a total based on batch volume.

When added to the design tab, the dosing rate is based on just the volume of the batch. You can calculate the dosing and have that be a part of the misc ingredient forevermore. The calculator is a more refined method and that's the number I'd use in the design tab.
Nomenclature is starting to get in the way here.

The Starter tab shows the amount of dry yeast to add.  That calculation matches Scott Labs 2016 data and Advanced Nutrients in Meadmaking paper published by Travis Blount-Elliott. 

All tabs are for the same volume -- 6.5 gallons.

The Starter tab shows 14.9 gram in the Misc database.  I have no idea where that amount came from.  Apparently it is anticipated that you will use the Starter tab to compute the amount and then manually transfer that amount to the Design tab since no Go-Ferm is added to the ingredients when that option is selected in the Starter tab. 

The same holds true for the yeast selection.  The starter tab shows the amount of yeast but does not add to the Design tab amount. 

A program improvement would be to have an option to add the yeast and Go-Ferm to the ingredients along with the DAP based on check box selection for each item.  Either that or add something to the FAQ outlining the manual process that needs to be incorporated in the Design tab. 
mr_beer said:
The Starter tab shows 14.9 gram [GoFerm] in the Misc database.  I have no idea where that amount came from. 

The amount is generated from the dosing recommendation from the manufacturer. That rate is 1.24g per 1g of yeast.

Apparently it is anticipated that you will use the Starter tab to compute the amount and then manually transfer that amount to the Design tab since no Go-Ferm is added to the ingredients when that option is selected in the Starter tab. 

Correct. The add nutrient function covers Fermaid K or Fermaid-O, based on what you select. You have to manually add GoFerm. If you dose across time or on gravity, you need to do the math to split the dose appropriately.

The same holds true for the yeast selection.  The starter tab shows the amount of yeast but does not add to the Design tab amount. 

Yes. This is easier to work with because you can change the number of packs in the starter tab. However, the SIZE of the package isn't determined by weight, rather its shown by number of cells in the package. Which, roughly correlates to dry yeast weight. So, a "package" should correspond to the size that you purchase and any increment other than 1 is easily translated to weight.
A program improvement would be to have an option to add the yeast and Go-Ferm to the ingredients along with the Fermaid-K based on check box selection for each item. 

Rounding up could be implemented for yeast packages as well. 

Most users expect this type of ingredient addition to be automatic and programmatically based.  That is why they buy the software.  Think about the water adjustment method incorporated in the program -- at some point users trust the result and go with it. 

Another option is to add instructions to the FAQ outlining the manual process that needs to be incorporated in the Design tab.