This might be an old learning but its new to me. I've been using the default grain absorption figure of 0.96 since I guess day 1 but just last night, when trying to detect some inconsistencies with another brewing software product, realized that figure in BS is in fl.oz./oz
So, I did some calculations and worked out this is 0.028391L / 0.02835kg ~= 1.001 L/kg NOT 0.96. Now, BS does actually do this math internally (which explains why my 5kg 'test' beer was predicted to soak up 5.001L and not 4.8L) however if you are trying to match other brewing software that might quote grain absorption in other units (e.g. L/kg) be aware that 0.96 is not some magic constant
So, I did some calculations and worked out this is 0.028391L / 0.02835kg ~= 1.001 L/kg NOT 0.96. Now, BS does actually do this math internally (which explains why my 5kg 'test' beer was predicted to soak up 5.001L and not 4.8L) however if you are trying to match other brewing software that might quote grain absorption in other units (e.g. L/kg) be aware that 0.96 is not some magic constant