Greetings from MA


Apr 22, 2011
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Hello everyone!  New member from Braintree, MA.  Former extract brewer from 20 years ago, who just recently got back into brewing. I am three brews back into it...all all extract Dead Guy Ale Clone, a Belgian Wit extract with specialty grains and just this week, my first all grain using a cooler mash tun!  The AG is a Harpoon Summer clone and is in the primary.  Have been reading forums, mags and books like nuts the last few months as I have really jumped back in with both feet!  So much so that I already have a temperature controller for my first lager, when ever I make it...and am looking at the Barley Crusher next as I start to build my equipment!

One negative of getting back in is, surprisingly, in such a craft beer area...there are no Home Brew shops south of Boston, besides a small section of a package store, so I have to do most of my shopping online, because driving into Boston or north of it, is too much of a pain.