Hello from N. Georgia


Sep 17, 2010
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Hello all from the N.Georgia Mountains!  I have been brewing for about 4 months and have already brewed 10 batches of beer and I am loving it.  I have already moved from extract brewing to partial mash and hoping I will have my equipment so I can start All-Grain brewing before the end of the year (maybe Santa will be nice to me this year and bring me my mash tun and hot liquor tank)!  Anyway, I think I have driven the guys at the local brew supply shop (local is 50 miles)crazy with all my questions so now I am here to give them a break. Looking forward to learning from the experts on this forum!!
        Before you spend the money on a mash tun. Check out Brew In A Bag (BIAB) you can do without a mash tun and you don't have to sparge or any of that. I used to brew traditionally. I tried BIAB and have never gone back. My mash tun is now a cooler (again). Brewsmith works with BIAB so check it out http://www.biabrewer.info I am a evangelist for Brew in a bag. Probably a pain in the butt to people that sell expensive and unneeded beer goods. Not much difference between partial mash and brew in a bag. Just the bag size. Here I am with BIAB http://www.stempski.com/biab.php Good luck!
.... and please don't fall into the trap of thinking there is a progression of advancement - kits to extract to all-grain.  There are thousands of home brewers making very good beer from kits - and even more just using extract.  In fact there are numerous commercial micro-breweries up and down the country that only use extract recipes.  Yes the makers of expensive equipment will deplore my comments but what I have said is correct.  A recent issue of Brew Magazine (unfortunately I didn't keep my copy so cannot tell you the date) had a serious article extolling the virtues of liquid extract recipes and methods including advice from several commercial brewers.  So you might want to rethink your plan to move to all-grain brewing just now.  Why not explore all the possibilities with extract first - and save that expense.