How do I get to the Brew Log?


New Forum Member
Jun 15, 2013
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I'm new to Beersmith.  I have version 2.1.02.  We have several recipes that we brew very frequently.  I read about something called a brew log but I don't see any way to get to that.

Also, there are three people that brew together.  We each have purchased a license for Beersmith 2 and we want to all see the data on the beers we brewed together.  Can all of the recipes be stored in the cloud and can the entire brew log be stored in the cloud too?

There is a folder in My recipes called brewlog. If you highlight a recipe on the My Recipes screen "Copy to Log" on the 3rd menu bar down.

I don't use cloud or online recipe database so not sure of your options there. I know you can share .bsmx files through email though.
grathan said:
There is a folder in My recipes called brewlog. If you highlight a recipe on the My Recipes screen "Copy to Log" on the 3rd menu bar down.

Nope, I have no folder called brewlog.  Did I install this correctly?  Do others have this for Beersmith2?  Even if I create a folder that matches the name in the options I don't see a menu item to "Copy to Log".

grathan said:
I don't use cloud or online recipe database so not sure of your options there. I know you can share .bsmx files through email though.

I'm not willing to share files via email.  This is 2013.  If the cloud option can't share the brew details then maybe I need to search for a different tool.
Highlight the recipe you wish to move to the 'brew log' by clicking on it once.  On the 'home' tab, the sixth icon over is 'copy to log'.  Click on this icon and BeerSmith will create a folder called 'brew log' with the recipe inside it.  'Brew Log' can be accessed on the 'my recipes' side bar.

To copy a recipe to the cloud, you need only to right click once on the recipe and the fifth option on the pop-up menu is 'copy to cloud folder'.  click this and the file will be uploaded to the cloud folder.  You can access the cloud folder under 'view' on the top menu options.  Once in the cloud folder, you will need to set the folder to 'shared' by clicking once on the recipe name and selecting the 'shared/private' option on the 'home' menu (sixth icon over on the home menu bar.)
I do not see anything about the brew log in the sidebar of My Recipes.
I copied a recipe to the brew log 4 times because I couldn't see it in the calendar before I realized that it doesn't see my name in the brewer line of the recipe the same as my name in the brewing options even though they look the same to me.  Now the recipe shows up in the calendar stacked 4 deep after I unchecked the hide if brewer is not you box.
How do I fix that?
I'm not sure how you have configured your desktop in terms of layout.  I've attached a screenshot of my desktop showing where the 'brew log' folder resides and hopefully this can help you out.

Old Goat


  • BS2 brew log capture.JPG
    BS2 brew log capture.JPG
    85 KB · Views: 565
Thank you!
I had never gone all the way to the bottom of the list because I don't have my recipes organized nicely like you do and every recipe I ever opened is in the root of my recipes (or so it seems).  Anyway, it was right where you said it was and I was able to delete the extras and now all is good again.
Thanks again,