Howdy everyone!

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I'm new to the forums, not as new to brewing.  I've only been brewing for about a year, but it's turned into such an obsession that I feel I'll be doing it for 60 more. 

Nice!  I've been at it overall about that long, about 8 months on my own.  Welcome!
Welcome aboard - lots of great folks here. I'm on month 6 and batch #4 - still learning a lot. BeerSmith is a great tool to help understand how malt - hops - water - process all interact to affect a beer recipe.

Three years, lost track of which batch number.  My first several batches were from the recipes i obtained on the web or from my LHBS.  Been designing my own since.  Been using beersmith for the last 2 1/2 years with no problems.