Issues with PH calculator


Jul 11, 2020
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Hello Everyone!
I'm new to the Beersmith and to brewing, mostley were focusing on whiskey and other strong beverages. But now decided to try brewing as well. Long story short ordered conical fermenter, glicole chiller and here we go.
I'm tring to build my first Lager recipe. I have very bad water in area, so i'm using osmosis water, checked this in lab and PH is 5.9, Mg 1.5 Mg/1 liter, Bicarbonage 7,9 / 1 liter.
Ok I see that Unadjusted Mash Ph is 5,67. For this recipie I want to be around 5.2 Ph. Trying to put Masured Ph 5,67 to calculate adjustment and recive 0,0 ml of lactic acid like on the picture.
Maybe I'm doing somethin wrong? Can you please help?
Have you tried using a period instead of a comma as a decimal point?
How much water are you treating?  It is hard to make any judgement with incomplete information.  When I use the tool, I see an immediate amount of acid calculated to adjust the mash pH.  But I am also dealing with 15 to 16 liters of mash water.  If you are only making a very small batch, it could be that the value does not show up as a significant figure. 

The best way to share the recipe to give people a chance to see how the pH correction may be working in your system is to export the recipe by highlighting it in the folder and then clicking on 'file' > 'export selected' which will open up a pop up window where you can name the recipe and pick a location to save it.  Save it as the default .bsmx file and attach it to your next reply to this thread.
Hello Colleagues!
First of all thank you helping me with the issue!
1. I've tried to change as you suggested, nevertheless not helping.
2. Also changed the preference in options from"," to "."
Still "Adjusted mash PH" showing some strange figures.

Regarding a recipe I?m trying to do 60 liters batch my Steam boiler is 62 liters.
Here is link for the file:

There is another embeded tool for PH adjustments - it is showing another figures :\

Adjusted mash pH is showing strange figures because you are mashing with no water additions.  Looking at your mash profile, you do not add any water to the mash.  With no water volume, the program cannot properly calculate the pH of the mash water without coming up with an error in the calculation which is what you are seeing.  You need to revise your mash profile to include the infusion steps where you will add the water and how much volume at each step.

You are geniuos! Thank you very much for the help! I need to re-read the manual.