Mac (Catalina) 3.2 update not working with dark mode


New Forum Member
Jun 1, 2021
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Latest update on mac seems to have made it very unusable. In the lists, the text is black on black!.. the colour scheme as a whole just looks very, very bad.

I can provide some screenshots to a dm/email if needed. Can this be looked at please as the software is now quite unusable for me.
agreed... using BS 3.2.7 in Dark Mode on OS X 11.4 Big Sur is just plain awful... I'll make up some notes and send them on...
  I will continue to work it - I thought I had it working OK on Big Sur but perhaps I still need more work.  Dark mode has been difficult to implement under the cross platform tools I'm working with.

New BS3 3.2.7 user.  I downloaded last night.  Older Macbook pro running Mojave / 10.14.6

I was using BS2 for several years until it stopped working as it used to, and I couldn't tolerate hunting for my disappearing recipes every time I logged in.

My issue is related to this post - Mac was in Dark Mode and I couldn't read anything because of black-on-black text in the startup window. I played with the look and feel and only Green had enough contrast to be able to read anything.  Switched to Light Mode and things improved a bit but still not great - e.g. - went into Water Profile Tool and the writable fields are all black field/black text. Very annoying, and frankly not inspiring confidence in BS3 so far.

Is this a bug, or am I just not finding the right menu to modify text v. field contrast? I am not the savviest computer user so please go easy on me.


POST SCRIPT EDIT:  After playing with MAC preferences I was able to get better contrast in Dark Mode by changing the Highlight color in Greyscale to 80%.  This works great if you choose 'Black' in Look and Feel, but now the Green; Blue; and White are messed up.
Just wanted to add a +1 on this. Even in light mode a lot of the data boxes are black on a slightly-less-black background. Very difficult to read.
Another +1 on this issue.  Can't see any text description of recipes or ingredients unless you select them while in Big Sur dark mode.
If you are running Big Sur I recommend 3.2.7.  For older versions the 3.2.7a update available on the main download page at might work better as it is compiled with an older library.
I am running 3.2.7 and Big Sur v 11.4

Thanks for the quick response
Same for me. Running Big Sur 11.4 and it's impossible to read in dark mode. And even after switching to light mode, fields in things like profiles are still too dark to read.
I will continue to work it - it works on my copy of Big Sur but perhaps I am missing some additional settings.

I still recommend switching the light mode.  Make sure the program is not running when you switch.

I'm going to work fixes this week and see if I can come up with a beta to correct the issues.

changing to the black colorscheme under look and feel it seems to display properly for me in dark mode.

I am using Big Sur though



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Doesn't fix the issue for me. Running Big Sur 11.5.1 here.

BeerSmith said:
I still recommend switching the light mode.  Make sure the program is not running when you switch.

I'm going to work fixes this week and see if I can come up with a beta to correct the issues.

Having the same issue with Dark Mode. Tried downgrading, switching light to dark mode, and back w/o program running... still no luck.


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Since I was so irritated by this bug I made an app in automator, following these steps:

It's a quick way of switching between light and dark mode when you're using Beersmith.

This will work out for me until it's fixed, but I'd appreciate an update  :D
BeerSmith said:
I still recommend switching the light mode.  Make sure the program is not running when you switch.

I'm going to work fixes this week and see if I can come up with a beta to correct the issues.



Any updates? This is very frustrating.


Have you come up with a solution to fix the black tabs in Big Sur?  It is very hard to read the black on black text even in light mode.

Thanks in advance.
Same problem here and also not able to switch between recipe folder sometimes. BS3 doesn't load the folder contents.