Max ABV 10%


New Forum Member
Aug 31, 2018
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Since I upgraded, I have an issue that in the main design screen, the est abv will never read accurately, it maxes at 10%, and I do a lot of higher gravity beers with my brewery, so this is a huge drawback.  Any solutions? 
With the new version, the maximum alcohol tolerance of the yeast used becomes the maximum allowable ABV. 

I recommend the following: 

1.  Make sure that the specifications for the yeast are updated based upon the manufacturer's data sheet.  In many cases, the manufacturer has updated the published specs and this only gets into BeerSmith when some one takes the time to update the ingredient lists.

2.  If this still does not fit your desired endpoint, then increase the maximum alcohol tolerance for the yeast you are using to a point above what you think you will accomplish.

3.  Note that when you brew and ferment, if you find that you stall out at a given ABV, you can later go back and edit the yeast strain to reflect your actual findings/records.

That was quick, thanks!  I usually don't even add the yeast into my recipe, is there a way to adjust the default?  I added a yeast and adjusted the abv tolerance and got around it, just wondering if there's a permanent fix, thanks though!
I checked in the usual places ('options') and could not find the default max alcohol tolerance. 

I guess I don't consider a recipe complete without the yeast, as that contributes much to the type of beer I design and want to brew.
Oginme said:
With the new version, the maximum alcohol tolerance of the yeast used becomes the maximum allowable ABV. 

I recommend the following: 

1.  Make sure that the specifications for the yeast are updated based upon the manufacturer's data sheet.  In many cases, the manufacturer has updated the published specs and this only gets into BeerSmith when some one takes the time to update the ingredient lists.

2.  If this still does not fit your desired endpoint, then increase the maximum alcohol tolerance for the yeast you are using to a point above what you think you will accomplish.

3.  Note that when you brew and ferment, if you find that you stall out at a given ABV, you can later go back and edit the yeast strain to reflect your actual findings/records.

FYI, I've noticed that if you edit the details of a yeast and raise the max abv the change doesn't stick.  Not sure if this is just me but for instance I often get Wyeast 1056 to go above 10% abv on a batch.  I tried raising that value to 12 and it lets you change it and save it, but it goes right back to 10%. 
To make the change "stick", you will need to edit the yeast in the 'yeast profiles' and then update your recipe by substituting the new version of the yeast for the one that you have in the recipe. 

Editing a profile, or ingredient properties within a recipe only changes it for that recipe.  Likewise, changing a profile or ingredient properties outside of a recipe does not affect anything within an already existing recipe.

This is BeerSmith's way of protecting previously brewed recipes from being changed on you due to future edits of profiles.
Oginme said:
To make the change "stick", you will need to edit the yeast in the 'yeast profiles' and then update your recipe by substituting the new version of the yeast for the one that you have in the recipe. 

Editing a profile, or ingredient properties within a recipe only changes it for that recipe.  Likewise, changing a profile or ingredient properties outside of a recipe does not affect anything within an already existing recipe.

This is BeerSmith's way of protecting previously brewed recipes from being changed on you due to future edits of profiles.

I get that, but what I'm saying is if you edit the details for the yeast directly in a specific recipe, it doesn't save and apply that change at all.  If you exit out of the recipe and go to the main ingredients list, choose the yeast and edit it there, the chance doesn't stick.  In other words, it doesn't matter where in the software you make this change, the change doesn't work.  Unless I'm missing something.

I'm doing the edit in the mobile app, by the way.  Could be that it works fine in the desktop version.
It does work fine in the desktop version.  Unfortunately, I do not have the mobile app and cannot help you there.