Mobile app crash for Android


New Forum Member
Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
Android version of the full app.
Nexus 7 (Grouper aka WiFi model)

Home > Profiles > Mash Profiles

Selecting this menu option causes an immediate crash. (See screenshot.)

In effort to get the full crash log, I installed alogcat from the Play Store and stepped through the app again, but the error wouldn't reproduce.

I really wish you'd follow Android app design guidelines for this app. :-\

I got the same java script mentioned above, on MW Android tablet,  but I don't know how to recover. Forced shutdown, rebooted and re-opened. Booted back into the error. Can ya help me out here? Sure would appreciate it.  App was working flawlessly til now.
jwh58 said:
I got the same java script mentioned above, on MW Android tablet,  but I don't know how to recover. Forced shutdown, rebooted and re-opened. Booted back into the error. Can ya help me out here? Sure would appreciate it.  App was working flawlessly til now.
...and yet another scripting error resulting in a major crash...
Guys, can you please pay some serious attention to this? Thank you for the first attempt at a fix but we need more. We've paid well for this app, we deserve more.
I have never had an issue with the mobile version but I only use it for searching for recipes or mobile storage for when I want to either be able to show a recipe to someone or when I'm shopping and want a couple recipes with me to pick up ingredients.

I do open it and look over recipes all the time though. 
Maybe I should try building a recipe in it just to see what happens?    I typically use the regular version on my computer for that though since the full size keyboard is nice to have.
  I tried to duplicate this here but it did not occur on the default mash profiles.  However with the line number I may be able to narrow it down and patch it.

  Its not clear what is causing this but I've put it to the top of my list to work on this week - hope to have an Android fix out shortly.

I'm getting the same type of error too anytime I try to log in to the cloud recipe account.  I've uninstalled, reinstalled, problem persists.
I've been sitting here at home trying to get a crash in the profiles area and it's working perfect.
I use he cloud all the time with no problem.  I search recipes all the time and use he cloud to transfer recipes between my computer version and the mobile version without issues.
I currently have a Samsung S4 with android version 4.2.2 if that helps to figure out were the problem lies.

About the only thing I haven't done is to build a recipe on the mobile version.  It's just so much easier on the PC.
I have had java problems with beersmith for andriod. It didn't work to uninstall/install, but uninstall and then delete all app data with a file explorer as ez file explorer (search on sd card for beersmith) and reinstall worked for me.  :D
I read that a number of users are having problems with BeerSmith Mobile on Android (I'm having the same problems), but I don't see any solutions or feedback from Brad.  Should I assume that the mobile version for Android is no longer supported? 

Brad, if you are still working on a solution for the crashing problems with your mobile app, I'd sure appreciate knowing the status.  If not, I'd like a refund.
Can you please send me a message via the contact-us page with the specific java error you are getting?  I've made quite a few changes over the past several months that have resolved these issues for most users, but a handful are still having trouble.  The bulk of the errors, however, were corrected last month and I've had relatively few reports since then.

I'm working the remaining ones off as fast as I can and will be doing some more updates to the mobile version next month.

BeerSmith said:
I've made quite a few changes over the past several months that have resolved these issues for most users, but a handful are still having trouble.  The bulk of the errors, however, were corrected last month and I've had relatively few reports since then.
Indeed they were. Thanks heaps for the attention and time spent on this. :-)