No Auto Update for BeerSmith 2 to 3


New Forum Member
Jun 17, 2018
Reaction score
I tried to update BS 2 to 3 and the software stated:

But I have Platinum.  Do I have to do a full complete download and host two software version?  Will my BS 2 data roll over to BS 3?  Select the image below to read it.

Thank you.. Why would BS 2 state I have the current version when BS 3 is available?
I choose not to "auto update" version 2 users because many people wish to continue using Beersmith2 and also BeerSmith 3 is a paid update.

I will be sending emails to the email list shortly announcing the release of BeerSmith 3, and may also post an update to BeerSmith 2 with some minor fixes and an announcement about BeerSmith 3 so people know the new version is out.

foghat said:
Thank you.. Why would BS 2 state I have the current version when BS 3 is available?

Because version 2 and version 3 are different. The item you clicked in your BS2 is for software upgrades within version 2. BS3 is a completely separate program with new download and installation required. And worth it to imho.