Nutrient additions


Grandmaster Brewer
Master Brewer
Aug 13, 2007
Reaction score
Recently I decided to make a mead -- sort of like wine in technique but the main ingredient is honey.

Because honey is deficient in some nutrients the mead crowd uses a technique called Staggered Nutrient Additions (SNA).  It involves adding Fermaid-K (a branded product) and Diammonium Phosphate (DAP).

Then as I was reading I started to see some discussion of using Fermaid-K for beers with high levels of non-malt adjuncts. 

What is the current thinking of these types of nutrient additions?
I toss a teaspoon of Fermaid-K into the boil along with the Whirlfloc with 10 - 15 minutes remaining.(6 gallon batch size)  Also use 1/8 tsp. in starters. Nothing to show if it helps an/or how much it helps, but it's too cheap not to use IMO.  I also use Fermaid-K combined with DAP in my ciders. Haven't made a bunch of cider, but fermentations have been fast and complete.