print a blank session log?


Dec 5, 2019
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I would like to be able to print a session log so that I can make sure and capture the correct readings during the brewday. I can't drag my computer into the garage and would just like a printed sheet that looks similar the session tab with the required date blanked out so I can write them in on brewday and enter them into beersmith the next morning. Is this possible? I am running Beersmith 2.3.12

I print out a brew day sheet from the program which has the recipe, steps and targets.  This becomes my brew day record as I record all measurements next to or beneath the targets printed on the batch sheet and have plenty of room for notes and comments about the process and any unusual occurrences.  It prints directly from the program by clicking on the 'print brewing instructions' on the tool ribbon.  The icon looks like a sheet of paper with a magnifying glass over it.
Oginme said:
I print out a brew day sheet from the program which has the recipe, steps and targets.  This becomes my brew day record as I record all measurements next to or beneath the targets printed on the batch sheet and have plenty of room for notes and comments about the process and any unusual occurrences.  It prints directly from the program by clicking on the 'print brewing instructions' on the tool ribbon.  The icon looks like a sheet of paper with a magnifying glass over it.

I see that and it does give some information but it is missing pH readings and measured pre boil volume. I would think it should look just like the sessions window with blank spaces to add the required data. I'm just trying not to forget to take readings when I need to for later data entry. Wonder if Ver.3 handles this differently?
version 3 is the same report, no change.

It does give the pre-boil volume right underneath the mashing information and steps, along with the target gravity.  For pH, I write it into the mash steps box for the mash pH and under the end of boil targets after the boil addition steps.  I also record the starch indicator test with the mash steps.  When I did straight BIAB on the stovetop or on a propane burner, I used to record the strike temperature, mash temp after dough in, and final mash temperature before I pulled the grain bag.  There is plenty of room and once I established a pattern and the habit, it became second nature. 

It is what you make of it.  I had recommended a while ago to have a tab in the program which listed all the calculated targets, the measured values, and deviations.  From this, the program could also estimate your boil off rate and, given that the mash tun dead space was accurate, the grain absorption values.  All the information is right there in the program. 