Problems with 2.2


Nov 29, 2013
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Hey guys!  My name is Mark and I am knew to Beer Smith.  I'm not the most computer literate person but I can hold my own.  I'm having issues downloading 2.2.  Keeps telling me it could not establish a connection to the server.  Anyone else have these issues ?
Think I figured it out.  Only other question is should it say Beer Smith 2.2 every time you open the program ?
  I don't understand fully - it should show the splash screen when it runs and will show the startup screeen unless you close it.  If you are getting an error or have another problem just drop me a note on the "contact us" page at and I'll take a look at it.

mpizurro, what did you do to figure this out. I am having the same problem. The splash screen pops up and says there is an update to download. I click accept and a moment later and I get the message "Could not establish a connection to the server."
I followed Brads instructions about downloading it straight from the site and making sure nothing is running in the background. Had to try it a couple of times but got it to work. Brad, what I was trying to say was is there a way to make sure the download was actually completed. I assume it was successful because when I open the program it doesn't tell me there is an update available anymore. I was just wondering if it literally is supposed to say Beersmith 2.2 somewhere on the sceen when I go to use Beersmith ?  Sorry for the confusion.
  If you go to Help->About it will show your precise current version which should be 2.2.12
