Question for anybody who has used Wyeast 1084


Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
Melbourne, FL
Greetings fellow brewers! My preferred yeast is Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) but my local homebrew shop was out of stock when I bought my supplies to brew this past weekend. One of the gentlemen there suggested either the Irish Ale or Scottish Ale. I decided on the Irish Ale variety, Wyeast 1084. When I brew with the 1056 I normally have a nice thick head of krausen for 4 or 5 days before it begins to drop. I pitched the 1084 at 5pm on Saturday and started bubbling by 11pm. Had an active fermentation with a nice thick head of krausen all day Sunday and it was still there when I left for work Monday morning. But when I came home after work Monday the surface of my wort is clear but I can see bubbling on top. Just no foam. Has anybody used 1084 before? If so is this normal or do I have a problem? Thanks in advance for you help.
I just used this a few weeks ago. I pitched on a Tuesday and the krausen vanished by Wednesday night or Thursday morning. I happened to check the gravity today and it was fine. Obviously different yeasts react different ways and it won't always be the same activity from brew to brew. I don't use 1084 very often (the last time I used it was a year ago) so I can't tell you how it typically goes. Some yeasts work fast and some don't.

I think you're fine. Don't worry about it. If anything maybe do a gravity test a week to two weeks after you pitched so you can give the yeast a chance to clean up after themselves.