[Solved] Adding recipe, but unknown batch size?


New Forum Member
Dec 23, 2015
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I found an IPA-recipe that clearly is less than a 5 gallon batch that I want to brew. I use a 5 gallon setup so I want BS to scale the recipe for me automatically after I have typed it in. But I haven´t figured out how to do it.

If a download a recipe from the BS cloud, it is straight forward. Just download, hit "Scale Recipe" and the job is done.

But what if I want to type in a recipe myself? BS "force" me to choose a setup from the "Equipment" drop down menu. But the problem is that I don´t know the batch size, and therefor cannot choose a certain equipment setup.

Is there a way to make BS find the batch size, based on the amount of malt and hops from the recipe?
In cases like this, I would start a new recipe with your equipment profile and then add all the grains.  It does not matter how much of each grain.  Look at the recipe you are entering and figure out the percentage of each grain.  In the BeerSmith recipe, click on 'grain pct' and enter in the calculated percentage of each grain for the recipe.  Then click on the OG slider under the recipe ingredients and adjust the OG to that of the recipe.

Now for the hops, enter them the same way you did the grains: hop type and time of addition.  For each of the hops in the recipe you are copying, figure the AAU for each hop addition (wt of hops * %AA for that hop) and convert to your hop AA% by dividing this number by the %AA for the hops you have.  Enter this number for the amount of hops to add.  When you have all the hops entered and the amounts adjusted, use the IBU slider to adjust the IBU to where you want them to be.  You may need to make some small adjustments as it does not always make the adjustment evenly.

Add the yeast and any other ingredients you want and you should have it!