Suggestions on a coffe stout?

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My friend and I would like to try to make a coffee stout.  I would like to hear any secrets or suggestions that anyone may have.

For dry-beaning, I hear most often to just crack the beans, and not grind them or crush too finely. 

I have also read about "cold-steeping" beans in cold water so you just get the flavor and not the harshness or bitterness.  You grind it, put in Pyrex in cold water overnight in fridge.  Use water only in the beer, I think in boil toward the end just to sterilize. 
MaltLicker said:
For dry-beaning, I hear most often to just crack the beans, and not grind them or crush too finely. 

I have also read about "cold-steeping" beans in cold water so you just get the flavor and not the harshness or bitterness.  You grind it, put in Pyrex in cold water overnight in fridge.  Use water only in the beer, I think in boil toward the end just to sterilize. 

I recently made a coffee stout using Mosher's method of cold steeping which is a lot like MaltLicker's suggestion.  The only real difference is that Mosher suggest putting the coffee in at bottling time, which for is the transfer from primary to secondary.

As far as I can tell the beer turned out great!
Don't know about coffe stout, but I've made an awesome espresso porter.  4 shots of Starbucks espresso in 5gal batch!
I made a killer Hazelnut Latte Stout last year.  Took best of show at the Mountain Sun contest and I got to brew 7 bbl of it (talk about fun).
When I made it, I took 6 oz of coffee (IIRC, it was about 3 10-cup pots worth of beans), ground coarsely and put into a hop/grain sack.  Added it to the wort like a giant teabag - just after flameout and before chilling (for about 10 min).  Then, at kegging, I added about 1 oz of hazelnut extract (1/2 bottle).
It's a cream stout base, so everything worked wonderfully. 
I used the recipe out of Brewing Classic Styles for the Cream Stout.
Actually, brewing this up today, here's the recipe I'm using this year

