Update for new BJCP guidelines


New Forum Member
Sep 14, 2014
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Is there going to be an update for the new BJCP guidelines when they come out early next year? Also, I just got the software and am wondering if you have to pay for each major update.
The BJCP guidelines have a long term ripple effect in the brewing world. The BJCP doesn't make the changes arbitrarily, either. I know they've had a goal of making minor changes or adding emerging styles more frequently, but an efficient, effective method for doing this hasn't emerged, yet.

Since having multiple versions of guidelines would impact brewers negatively, the BJCP has also limited the ability for people to reprint or embed them. They prefer that references be directly linked to the BJCP website.

The upcoming guidelines have taken a long time to assemble, review and revise. Still, once they're released, minor changes will happen for several months after the release as even more eyes look them over.

BeerSmith is one of the very few allowed to embed the guidelines. I know that adding them will happen, but probably once Brad is assured that typos, minor errors and revisions are complete. I expect that will be about 6 months after their release.

Enterprising users of BeerSmith probably have already started to compile the guidelines in BeerSmith's format. I would advise some caution if you choose to use those versions.
Will there be the option to select the old or new guidelines?  I am part way through a project to brew every style, just for fun, and if the styles all change, it will make it a little harder to describe how the result compared to the style guidelines.
angusl said:
Will there be the option to select the old or new guidelines?  I am part way through a project to brew every style, just for fun, and if the styles all change, it will make it a little harder to describe how the result compared to the style guidelines.
Look into getting a copy of this book. Its got the current style guidelines and an example recipe for each of them. You can always refer to this even after the changes are implemented.

I do have the current styles downloaded and printed so I can compare mine to them. The perk of having the BS guidelines is having the color and guidelines linked to the style, so changing this in BS will throw all of our previously slotted brews into no-mans-land unless we recategorize them all. If we can be given the option of selecting old or new BJCP categories for a recipe, we can avoid this.
angusl said:
so changing this in BS will throw all of our previously slotted brews into no-mans-land unless we recategorize them all. If we can be given the option of selecting old or new BJCP categories for a recipe, we can avoid this.

I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that the 2008 guidelines will still be available in BeerSmith for a very long time. I'm certain there's no auto delete of guidelines in BeerSmith's code for existing copies.

There will be a crossover time of adoption within the BJCP for both competitions and exams. At least a year. Some competitions may take longer, it's up to them. Still other competitions will continue to write their own guidelines.
angusl said:
Will there be the option to select the old or new guidelines?  I am part way through a project to brew every style, just for fun, and if the styles all change, it will make it a little harder to describe how the result compared to the style guidelines.

Right now if you go under Options their is an item called Display Style Guide. Right now you can drop down and select other guides such as GABF.  Back when the new 2008 BJCP guidelines came out (in BeerSmith 1?) the previous version was still listed there too.  I know because every recipe I had in the system, I had to manually go back and change to the new 2008 style.     

So my assumption is that when the new ones are available, the old guide will still be an option.
  I do plan to offer the new BJCP style guide.  I've been asked by BJCP not to publish it until they have their final version published (which I'm still waiting for).  The style guide will be an add-on initially and will be incorporated into the program itself longer term.

Is there any update on the new guidelines yet? I have already seen a few clubs state they will be using these soon and would be nice to have updates to my BS2 install.

BeerSmith is one of the very few allowed to embed the guidelines. I know that adding them will happen, but probably once Brad is assured that typos, minor errors and revisions are complete. I expect that will be about 6 months after their release.
The 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines are available.

Open BeerSmith
Click "Add-Ons" (in the small ribbon, next to options, or in the File menu)
In the popup window, click "Add"
They should be near the top, highlight the line
Click "Install Add-on"
You should get a confirmation window when they are downloaded and available.

To use them:
Options > Brewing
The third window down will have a drop down menu to choose from.

Hi all,

Ok, I've tried several times to addon the new BJCP 2015 guidelines, but no dice.  I'm running version 2.2.12, and no updates are available, so I assume I have the latest version. 

When I go to Add-ons>Add, there is no option for BJCP 2015 guidelines.  For Style type, my only options are GABF and Norwegian.  The new guidelines do not appear when I go to Options>Brewing>Display Style Guide, so it isn't already installed.  Any ideas?

You have to click on add then a screen will open with the new BJCP 2015 guidelines will be the first item on the list, select BJCP 2015 guidelines and then click the install add-on button.
Hi Rick,

Thanks for the response - I click on Add (with the green plus above it) but there is no BJCP 2015 in my list.  Not at the top, not when I sort by name, not when I sort by type, it's just not there.  That's my dilemma...

I've installed add-ons before, so I checked the list that appears when I first click add-ons, it's not there either, so it isn't already installed.  Nor does it show up in Options>Brewing.

I've downloaded them, so have hundreds of others. They're definitely there. The full name is: [BJCP 2015 Style Guide - Change Options ->Brewing->Style Guide to View]

When you go to Options > Brewing > Display Style Guidelines, you should see them in the drop down menu. My drop down menu happens to have a blank space above them, but it's still there.
Suddenly, today they showed up, right at the top of the add on list where they should be.  Very odd.

Thank you to all that responded!
Is there a way to "import" the 2015 BJCP guidelines to all my previous recipes saved in Beersmith? Or, do I have to manually change it to every single recipe?
Unfortunately since every recipe is its own self-contained entity, you will need to go in and change each one separately.
firefly765 said:
Is there a way to "import" the 2015 BJCP guidelines to all my previous recipes saved in Beersmith? Or, do I have to manually change it to every single recipe?

You would have to change them manually. 

However, the best thing to do is just update your new recipes and rebrews, but leave the old ones as-is. This'll give you a clearer idea about what you were aiming for when you first brewed the beer. It'll also show how your beer evolves if you change it to adapt to the new guidelines.

Plus, the new guidelines contain more styles and have collapsed some older ones together. That gets tricky for a piece of software to decide for you.

If you're not already using the Brew Log function to document your brew sessions, now is a great time to start. This leaves the original recipe untouched and allows you to modify and record what you did on brew day.