Grandmaster Brewer
The latest BYO mag had an interesting article on water chemistry. One are they looked at was chlorine - and certainly the best way to remove chlorine is via a charcoal filter system. A quick and simple method BYO mentioned was using distilled water to replace part of your brewing water - basically diluting the amount of chlorine. I think they indicated up to 50% of your water could be replaced with distilled.
The LBS say yes this would work but you might want to replace back some minerals. On our current budget I do not see a filter system anytime soon and distilled water at 99cents a gal is not too bad. Our chlorine also is not too bad - just detectable - I may try just using 1gal in my usual 3.5gal partial boil.
The LBS say yes this would work but you might want to replace back some minerals. On our current budget I do not see a filter system anytime soon and distilled water at 99cents a gal is not too bad. Our chlorine also is not too bad - just detectable - I may try just using 1gal in my usual 3.5gal partial boil.