Wat can you make out of this


New Forum Member
Nov 22, 2016
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Hi guys,

I have some hops and grains laying around and been trying to search for a recipe.
Any tips for a good recipe using some of this HOPS with Pale malt.
Will of course go to the store and by special malt and other Hops.

Batch size: around 13-15 gal

What I have:
55 lb of Pale malt row 2

3,5 oz of Sorachi ace
3,5 oz of equinox
5 oz of Northern Brewer
1 oz of Cascade
6 oz of Tettnanger

Better late than never, eh?
I run into your situation often, with left over items laying around.
What I usually do is use the build program and add what sounds good and then plug it into various styles to see where the arrows go.
Then again if I like the sound of what I put together, I usually make it no matter what. Sometimes it works, sometimes I have basting broth for BBQ. Either way nothing goes to waste!
i would suggest, to minimize extra purchases, trying to go with a variant of one of the following:
American Pale Ale
Pilsner [using Pale instead of Pils malt]
Vienna Lager

since there will almost assuredly be specialty grains needed, practically all styles are still really available.

when i have a 'spare hop' problem, i honestly go re-read their descriptions, see which styles are listed in the most i have remaining...and then brew that style.

for bittering [full 60+ minute boil] you have a much wider latitude than you do with the flavor or aroma hops....but that Tettnanger for almost any continental style sounds amazing!