Water additions question


Nov 14, 2010
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I'm stepping up my game and trying to match water profiles.  Going from my local (Edmonton, Alberta) water, and trying to match Dublin, Ireland.  I used our local water treatment site's water breakdown and created a profile in Beersmith3. Then I used the water tab to select Edmonton, and matched to Dublin.  I'm told to add the following:

  • Calcium Chloride: 0.60g mash
  • Calcium Chloride: 0.64g sparge
  • Baking Soda: 0.82g mash
  • Baking Soda: 0.88g sparge
  • Chalk: 2.68g mash
  • Chalk: 2.86g sparge

First Question:  How the hell am I supposed to measure out 0.60g of something? I have a kitchen scale that shows grams, but it isn't very accurate at that level.  Thoughts?

Second Question: Is this really necessary?  Am I going to notice that big a difference with such small numbers?

Third Question:  I'm doing BIAB.  But it is telling me to add some to the mash and some to the sparge.  Can't I just add it all in with the mash?

Thanks a million./. Hope to hear from someone soon as I'm brewing in 12 hours.


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You can get a decent gram scale for $15 or less.

Matching the water profile for a geographic location is an exercise in futility. Breweries almost always treat their water, so the local water profile won't match that of local breweries. You want to build a profile for the style you're brewing.

If you select BIAB in the mash profile, the water tool won't list sparge additions. Instead, it will calculate additions for the full volume mash. Even if you hold back water to sparge with, it's perfectly fine to add all of the brewing salts to the mash.
Thanks Bob. I appreciate the quick response.  Definitely worth grabbing a gram scale for the future.

Interesting about breweries treating their water, and it being a lesson in futility.  I never considered that.

I do have BIAB set in the mash profile, and it still splits the additions between water profile and mash (see new photo). Can't figure that one out.  Must be something I've fiddled with and broken.  Lol.  It's ok, I can add the numbers.

Have a great day


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You can easily find scales to weight those amounts... https://www.morebeer.com/products/brewmaster-digital-scale-500-01.html. This is packaged and marketed for homebrewers but I have pretty much the same scale that I bought for weighing out grains of gun powder for hand loading. I've also seen similar scales in kitchen supplies.
GigaFemto said:
I would also check the box to exclude chalk when matching water profiles. Chalk doesn't really dissolve in plain water.


Balls!  Lol - yep, I'm reading a lot about that info after you mentioned it.  Too late.  Chalk is in the wort.  Oh well - I'll remember that for next time.  Thx  :)