water to Grain ratio


New Forum Member
Jun 12, 2011
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Can i change the water to grain ratio. It gives me 1.25qts and i like to use 1.375qts but i am also really new to partial mash brewing. any suggestions.
It's like the pirate's code - more of a guideline than a rule. ;)

Higher water:grain ratios give better extraction but convert to sugar at a slower rate so mashing takes longer.  Lower water:grain ratios convert faster but don't give as good an extraction.  The small change you are looking to make won't have that much of an effect.
I just upgraded to v2 and I can't seem to find the config/options necessary to change the water/grain ratio field either.  That field is stuck at 1.25qt/lb.  It was simple with the previous versions.  I batch sparge 10 gallon batches and usually go with 1.35 to 1.45 for thinner mashes.  It also helps to balance strike and sparge water.  What am I missing?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Nevermind.  I figured it out.  Simply change the water to add (directly above the water/grain ratio field) on the mash profile edit screen and it will calculate the water/grain ratio for you rather than you entering the ratio desired.  Just a minor difference in the editing process from the previous versions.  Lots of helpful features and great functionality with v2.
I will try to go back and make the field editable again in a future update.

I'm having a similar issue, however mine isn't showing 1.25 qt/lb.  I'm trying to duplicate a friends recipe, and he didn't give me the specific ratio he used.  So I tried just entering the numbers (12.5 lbs, 18.2 qt), and it keeps changing the numbers on me.  When I enter 18.2, it chages the ratio to 1.5, whereas the ratio actually should be 1.456.  Click OK, and it then changes to volume to 18.75 qt (1.5 qt/lb).  Then I tried to go in and set it to just use 1.25 qt/lb just to see what it would do. It  shows 15.63 qt until I hit tab or OK, at which point the ratio changes to 1.3, and it shows 16.25 qt.  Then I try to enter 15.625 qt, it will show 1.3 in the ratio field. When I hit tab, it changes to 15.63 qt.  But when I click on OK, the volume changes to 16.25 (12.5 * 1.3), which is not correct.
  I need to add more digits to the ratio field - an obvious problem I missed when I made the water/grain editable unfortunately.  I think I will default it to three digits which should be sufficient.

  It will be in the next release.

BeerSmith said:
  I need to add more digits to the ratio field - an obvious problem I missed when I made the water/grain editable unfortunately.  I think I will default it to three digits which should be sufficient.

  It will be in the next release.


It looks like this didn't make it into build 40.  Roughly when will the next build be out, Brad?
