Web version for recipes


Oct 23, 2015
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I realize you already maintain several versions, but a web interface for building recipes would be fantastic.  That way, we can update our recipes no matter where we are.
I use the mobile version, then save to the cloud for transferring between mobile and desktop version.  Works like a charm.
I can't be on my phone at work....  although I could probably get away with updating a recipe via browser, heh.
There are all kinds of ways of jumping through hoops to get around the problem, but then you end up with a copy on your desktop at work, then a copy in the cloud, a copy on your phone and then a copy on your desktop at home. Now you have a version management problem: Change one version and you're out of sync.  Not to mention the extra effort I just had to go through when I moved from an old laptop to a Surface Pro 3.

I love Beersmith, but it's becoming a cloud-based world. I would love to have a version of Beersmith that lives in the cloud where the only copies of my recipe also live. New features and functionality would show up in small increments, not whole new versions. I would be willing to pay a monthly subscription fee for such version making an ongoing revenue stream for Beersmith.