Weyermann malts don't register in mash profile


Jun 6, 2013
Reaction score
I have BS 2.3.4 on my Kindle Fire 8. I recently noticed that my "Grain Weight Basis" in my Mash profile wasn't always accurate. It sometimes doesn't add all the grains in the recipe. After much playing with different grains, I realized that it wasn't recognizing Weyermann malts. These were one of the grain packages I downloaded through the Add-ons feature. If I use any malt specifically identified as Weyermann, it doesn't get added to the Grain Weight Basis or to the calculation for the Water/Grain Ratio. The same type of malt (e.g. pale malt) from another company works fine but Weyermann doesn't.

Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a fix?
  This will be corrected shortly when I release mobile version 3.


I still have this problem after upgrading to BS3. Thomas Fawcett malt have the same issue.
Yes, I just upgraded, too, and the Weyermann malts still don't get included in my grain total. Tried uninstalling the Weyermann grain add-on and reinstalling but still no luck. Haven't tried the Fawcett malts. I'll check that out.
Same here. I tried several ways, deleting, reinserting... it's weird, because in malt profile Weyermann's malts doesnt seems any different than others.
I observed this same issue four months ago in another post (post http://www.beersmith.com/forum/index.php?topic=21165.0). I also wrote about it in the contact form of the BS website, and also as a comment in Google Play. Did not get a reply.

Not a single reply from the developer in TWO YEARS ?  :(

Most of the specialty malts I have available in my area are Weyermann. This hurts BS Mobile use for a lot of users in the same situation...