where on the web pages is the 2008 BJCP styles

  The BJCP style guide is in the current version of BeerSmith if you have it installed.  You can change guides from the main options dialog (tools menu) within the program.

  For the more detailed style guideline, I believe the BJCP page is bjcp.org

For some reason only two styles show up in the 2008 BJCP Styles.  I think I need to reload the styles file in order for it to work.
I am having a hard time as well with getting the 2008 to load up. I tried to insert a style manually and it disappeared. Which exact button do we hit, ( for those of us like myself who are not computer savvy ).

Thank you very much for the help, John
elks240 said:
I am having a hard time as well with getting the 2008 to load up. I tried to insert a style manually and it disappeared. Which exact button do we hit, ( for those of us like myself who are not computer savvy ).

Try this:
1) Open BeerSmith
2) Choose Tools -> Options...
3) Select the tab "Brewing" and make sure the option "All" is selected under "Beer Style Guide To Display"
AWESOME! Thank you, I had hit all of the buttons up top. I guess I never hit the options buttons on any of them. Works like a charm now,

Thanks again. John
Having a similar issue and that didn't work for me.  When I go to that option all I have are 'BJCP 2004' and 'All'.  Unfortunately neither option shows the 2008 Guidelines.  I've tried reinstalling and updating to no avail.  Thoughts?
whatsleftofyou said:
Having a similar issue and that didn't work for me.  When I go to that option all I have are 'BJCP 2004' and 'All'.  Unfortunately neither option shows the 2008 Guidelines.  I've tried reinstalling and updating to no avail.  Thoughts?

Same problem for me, the last version I can see is 2004.
I am having the same issue(s).  The only option I have is "all" or "2004".  I have Beersmith 1.4 with build 038 and as far as I know that is the latest version.  Update does nothing also.

I figured it out!!!  If you have a shortcut on your desktop "right" click it and select "properties" and then "advanced" and then select "run as administrator" and then start program from the icon on your desktop.
Nada.  Regardless of whether or not I am running as Administrator, all I have is the 2004 guidelines.  If I go back to an old Style.bsm I can also pull up the 1999 Guildeines, but c'mon.

Is there any chance that someone can post a Style.bsm with 2008 guidelines in it?  Any chance of seeing BA Guidelines?
Right.  Those are different than the BJCP Guildeines.  It'd be cool to have both, but really anything post-2004 would be awesome.