Windows 10 view

[email protected]

New Forum Member
Jan 19, 2015
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New windows 10 laptop and fresh installation of beersmith 2

The view / layout is not working and I can't find anywhere to adjust it. The windows function for resolution etc makes the text bigger or smaller but the layout doesn't change and tabs are on top of each other, the preview screen is a strange size etc. Any suggestions?

Thanks but that doesn't help. The layout just doesn't seem to work on the high resolution / wide screen of my new laptop ( dell xps 13 )

I have the exact same issue on my new laptop.  Kind of irritating not being able to see all the text and tabs correctly.  I tried all kinds if different resolutions but nothing changes how it looks. 


  • beersmith1.png
    131 KB · Views: 394
  • beersmith2.png
    803 KB · Views: 446
What Screen resolution are you running on your lap top. It seems that you have it set to a low resolution. I've have found it's best to run at the highest resolution that your computer will support,  then adjusted the font size to compensate for the higher resolution.
I have a 4K laptop 3840 x 2160 is my resolution.  I tried everything under the sun as far as settings and it still had the same problem.
Change the box in the upper right hand corner to full screen at see it helps.
I'm having the same issue, did anyone find a fix?  New BeerSmith user, new laptop and can't use this to even set up properly.  I could lower the monitor's resolution from 4K 3840x2160 down and it looks better, but I can't to do that every time I want to use brewing software.  Can't use until a fix is found, I guess or load on my girlfriend's laptop; but would like my laptop to have this software on it and usable.
I will add this to the forums as well. I have also upgraded and am now using windows 10 with a higher resolution display. I am seeing the same problems as described above. Has anyone found a solution for this? I am now using this application in conjunction with my iPad via cloud and have no interest in lowering the resolution every time I want to use software. I have no desire to use my old laptop for beersmith.

Same for me, Beersmith can not handle high dpi monitors. I'm on a Surface Pro 4 with 2736x1824 resolution.

Add another person having this issue. I'm a new BeerSmith user and the scaling issue makes the software essentially unusable :(

I am running the beta version 2.2.13 which solves some issues but not this one.
+1.  Tried the beta which does help, but doesn't take care of all the issues.  Would be great to not have to re-size every column every time.
Go to desktop and right click, display settings, and then change the size of text, apps and other items. Set to 150%.

Long time user of BeerSmith and advocate. Just installed the latest on my Surface Book and am having DPI issues as well. Not an OS problem. Everything else for the most part is honoring my OS font size settings. Any help?
I found this link that helped me get it working:

You need to edit your beersmith manifest file to look the the included image

Here is the code to insert below the first line:

<application xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
      <dpiAware xmlns="">False</dpiAware>

Looks like it did on my old laptop now!
