Windows 10


Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
Has anybody out there upgraded to Windows 10?  If so, how does BeerSmith react?
My beersmith is completely borked after upgrading to windows 10.
I tried running the installer over the existing installation to no avail.
I get errors starting beersmith

Beersmith then seems to run fine until I try and save anything. The error log gives:
10:08:33: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/Archive.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:08:33: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/Archive/Ar-7-1-10_8-33_7715.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:08:33: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/Reports/bsxtmp_19283.htm' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)

then when I close beersmith. error log:
10:09:16: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2//BSCols.BX2' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:09:16: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/DefRecipe.bsopt' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:09:16: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-25143Tools.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:15:15: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-4125search.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:15:23: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-18345CloudSearchSettings.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:15:29: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-21122Notes.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:15:33: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-32239Hops.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:15:37: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-13935Grain.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:15:44: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-16517Misc.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:15:48: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-7086Water.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:15:52: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-8549Yeast.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:15:56: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-91Style.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:16:01: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-12824Equipment.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:16:08: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-5173Mash.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:16:13: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-7765Recipe.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:16:18: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-27454CustField.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:16:25: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-3223Shop.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:16:30: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-29314Carbonation.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:16:38: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-31818Age.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:16:42: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-8199Plugin.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:16:47: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-22147Cloud.bsmx' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:16:52: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/T-4359-Opts.xml' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:16:52: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/rpts.bxml' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)
10:16:52: can't open file 'C:\Users\kevmo_000\Documents/BeerSmith2/urpts.bxml' (error 0: the operation completed successfully.)

followed by a series of error boxes for each of the errors in the closing log file. 19 in all:

I will probably try an uninstall/reinstall next. IF that is I can save my recipe files outside of the program...

Hope this is helpful
Further info:
Previous post was regarding my Asus laptop.
Windows 10 upgrade on destop producing no problems at all with Beersmith.
I'm having the same issue.  Trying to brew this morning and I'm getting these error messages.  Very limited access to Beersmith features.

06:49:47: can't open file 'C:\Users\Paul\Documents/BeerSmith2/Archive.bsmx' (error 5: access is denied.)
06:49:47: can't open file 'C:\Users\Paul\Documents/BeerSmith2/Archive/Ar-7-2-6_49-47_15291.bsmx' (error 5: access is denied.)

kevmoso said:
My beersmith is completely borked after upgrading to windows 10.

The most direct option is to run BeerSmith in Compatibility mode.

Right click the BeerSmith icon.
Select Properties > Compatability.

You can run the troubleshooter or directly select to use Compatibility mode. From the dropdown menu, select the system you most recently used before Win 10.
Compatibility mode did nothing. Running as administrator seems to have it running again. Odd
Compatibility mode did nothing for me.  Running as Administrator seemed to fix but when I logged in again this morning I got the same error message.

05:04:20: can't open file 'C:\Users\Paul\Documents/BeerSmith2/Reports/bsxtmp_28028.htm' (error 5: access is denied.)
05:04:20: can't open file 'C:\Users\Paul\Documents/BeerSmith2/Reports/bsxtmp_1548.htm' (error 5: access is denied.)

Any ideas?
I've been running BeerSmith pretty consistently over the last few days. I'm running it in Compatibility mode for Windows 7.

I've been able to update ingredients, prices, recipes and add new recipes without crashing.

Today, I switched to Administrator to see if I get any issues. So far, none. Keep in mind that I'm just another user, and all I can do is report. I know Brad monitors the forum.
Windows 10 basically mizeled me and upgraded itself.  Beersmith didn't fare so well after the upgrade.  To be fair, I also moved my documents directory before the upgrade which also borked Beersmith.

First, DON'T START BEERSMITH A BUNCH OF TIMES. I'll explain below. Backup all your Beersmith files right now.

So, after fixing the document directory, Beersmith really does not like not being on the default path.  REALLY DOES NOT LIKE IT.  I haven't figured out why but I moved files back to the old path which Beersmith created regardless of the fact it was pointing to the new path. 

I copied all the files from my backup to the original path. 

Starting Beersmith I am advised I am not activated.  I start beer smith a couple times with the same result.  I add my activation key and restart with the same result.  Still asking for activation.  When it starts each time, all my recipes are gone as is all my configuration and customizations.  Looking at the files on disk, each time I start Beersmith, it overwrites a Recipes.bxml backup which destroys all my recipes in that backup.  One by one they are nuked each time I start Beersmith again.  I have backups so I am covered.

The most recent start, I chose File/Open and selected a a good recipe file which opened all my recipes.  There is a fundamental flaw here that Beersmith is not simply reading and using the valid files it finds in the directory path.  Instead, it nukes each backup one at a time as restart Beersmith.  maybe it is becasue the activation thing or not, I don't know but it is hell bent on eliminating my data.

Thanks, everybody.  I am surely not upgrading to Windows 10 on the Brew Room Computer.
  So far all of the problems I've seen with Windows 10 have to do with Windows 10 changing file permissions during the in place Win 10 upgrade.
I have no idea why Microsoft did not catch this - there is really no excuse for them changing file permissions of Documents during the windows
10 upgrade.

It seems to leave the main user account without permissions to many files in the documents directory (including BeerSmith) for some

  The correction is to make sure all of the files under Documents/BeerSmith2 are owned and writable by your main user account.

  Here is a thread describing the problem (with pictures and such) after upgrade.  The same would apply to the Documents/BeerSmith2 folder.

  You need to give your main user account "Full Control" over the Documents/BeerSmith2 folder and subfolder/subfiles.

Ownership and full access granted
I get different errors on launching beersmith now
"cant open file bsxtmp_1513.htm and bsxtmp_17849.htm in beersmith/reports"
then closing gives the attached log file

I hate Windows 10...


WH said:
Has anybody out there upgraded to Windows 10?  If so, how does BeerSmith react?

I have windows 10 and am having trouble with the yeast starter calculator. See below:
djmarkey said:
Starter function adds Add Yeast cell count to Yeast Cells Needed for batch and then some :o.

Under the Starter option, Beersmith calculates the total Yeast Cells Needed for the batch of beer. For this recipe, it calculated 335.2 Billion cells as pictured below:

When I add the yeast i will be using with the Add Yeast option, Beersmith's new Yeast Cells Needed becomes 447.0 Billion as below:

447.0 = 335.2+80.8+then some

Please Help!
My upgrade to Windows 10 worked perfectly.  No errors or issues of any kind

I then formatted the drive, reinstalled everything (to clean up the OS, i hate doing upgrades) and BS still works perfectly fine

Good luck all

Hi I am getting all the errors detailed in the previous posts and just cant get them resolved. I have tried to uninstall BS and removed the documents/beersmith2 folder after keeping a backup of the previous files. I then restart my computer and reinstall Beersmith and all the errors keep on happening, despite a fresh install. The error is

18:14:06: Failed to copy the file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\BeerSmith2\Reports\style.css' to 'C:\Users\stevi\Documents\BeerSmith2/Reports/style.css' (error 5: access is denied.)
18:14:06: can't open file 'C:\Users\stevi\Documents\BeerSmith2/Reports/bsxtmp_32435.htm' (error 5: access is denied.)
18:14:06: can't open file 'C:\Users\stevi\Documents\BeerSmith2/Reports/bsxtmp_23332.htm' (error 5: access is denied.)

This refers to an old folder I used to save into but I don't understand how it remembers it as it is a fresh install.

When I close beersmith I then get about 18 dialoge boxes appear that I have to close down each time. Can anyone resolve this please?