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Manual entry of kegging date


May 27, 2013
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As far as I can tell the only way to store a kegging/bottling date is based on the fermentation profile. However, for various reasons I often cannot stick exactly to the profile, so I have to go back and retroactively create a profile to match what I actually did. Not only is this time consuming, but it also means I am ending up with a lot of profile. Is there a way to manually override the provide and create an actual kegging date?

You can edit the profile and overwrite it within the recipe and it will not affect the master profile library.  Instead of clicking on the profile to select a new one, click on the check mark icon next to the profile and you can edit it right there in the recipe.

Each recipe is a self-contained archive and can only be affected within that recipe (with the only exception being the universal setting of grain absorption rate).  So, if you change a profile outside of that recipe, it will not change that profile inside the recipe.

I do this often with fermentation profiles, customizing each one to the actual days and temperatures of fermentation.  It will not add to your profile library outside of that recipe unless you click on the disk icon next to the profile to save it.