Tag Archives: craft

Launching Sapwood Cellars Brewery with Michael Tonsmeire – BeerSmith Podcast #191

Michael Tonsmeire joins me to discuss his experience starting a new brewery called Sapwood Cellars in Columbia, Maryland.

You can view show notes and additional episodes on my blog here.

The Craft Maltster’s Guild with Jamie Sherman and Jen Blair – BeerSmith Podcast #186

Dr Jamie Sherman and Jen Blair join me to discuss the Craft Malster’s Guild, their upcoming conference and the craft malt industry in general.

You can find show notes and additional episodes on my blog here.

Drink Beer, Think Beer with John Holl – BeerSmith Podcast #181

This week John Holl joins me to discuss the Craft Beer revolution and also his new book “Drink Beer, Think Beer”.

You can find show notes and additional episodes on my blog here.

Nano-Brewery Start Up with Michael Mraz – BeerSmith Podcast #97

Michael Mraz from Mraz Brewing joins us to follow up on his nano-brewery startup.  Michael launched his own 3 barrel brewery specializing in Belgian beers in a tiny 1000 sq foot shop in the Spring of 2013, and this week he shares some of his lessons learned in moving from amateur to pro-brewer.

You can find the full show with video and show notes here.