BeerSmith 3.1 Open Beta Download Available


Staff member
Grandmaster Brewer
Apr 5, 2003
Reaction score
  The BeerSmith 3.1 build has been in beta testing for over a month now and I'm launching it as an "Open beta" today for anyone to download and use.
NOTE: While the beta has been stable, there still could be bugs so use at your own risk.

Update 19 June - Posted a new version 3.1.5 below

  Backup: I do recommend making a backup copy of your Documents/BeerSmith3 directory before proceeding to make sure your data is secure.

  BeerSmith 3.1 adds a number of new features including a significantly enhanced storage system, tilt data import a number of
new brewing features and a significant number of bug fixes.

  Links for information on the new version - I recommend you browse this before downloading:
  New features in BeerSmith 3.1:
  Release notes:

  Download Links for PC and Mac - Linux is still in testing: - For windows 7,8,10 - For Mac OSX

  Portuguese Language File for BeerSmith 3.1 - Go to Options->Brewing and click on the button near the bottom of that dialog to install this file after downloading

  If you find significant issues it would probably be best to mail me at beersmith at to report them.  Please include steps to reproduce the problem.

Brad Smith
BeerSmith LLC
Hey Brad

I was wondering if you had made an adjustment in this version so that we can record the actual grain absorption in a recipe?  Also that each recipe can have it's own grain absorption rate/amount that can be kept separate from the overall absorption adjustment in the settings (so that you don't ruin your old records when updating the value for various equipment, etc)?

I know this has come up a few times, and I have commented previously when you have asked your long standing customers for input

Thanks again and keep up the great work!
  I have not set up a per-recipe grain absorption at this time - it is still global under Options->Advanced.

BeerSmith said:
  I have not set up a per-recipe grain absorption at this time - it is still global under Options->Advanced.


At the very least, if the grain absorption could be moved to the equipment profile then it could be easily accessed within a recipe to be changed.  More importantly, the grain absorption could be  tuned based upon each process a brewer uses.  Since the absorption is a function of equipment and process and all other process specific variables are captured in  the equipment profile.
Hi Brad, thanks for the update

The install on Windows 10 went w/o a hitch...

Regarding inventory, any chance to get some additional, very valuable fields added such as Date, Vendor, the ability to edit the AA% and I'm sure there are other fields such as have been mentioned on the forum several times.

Inventory is about... well managing your inventory and it involves more than Qty and Price

Thanks, Rick
I keep track of my hops by putting the crop year in the hop name box. Example: Chinook, 2018 or Cascade, 2019.  Just go to ingredients/hops, copy and paste the entry for the hop, enter or change the crop year AA% and price/unit as needed, and you're done. If you bought from a different vendor, change the source to that vendor. When you deplete your supply of a listed hop, simply delete it. It's a lot easier than making new entries every time you buy hops, and does everything you are asking for with the same amount of effort.

If you don't know the crop year of the hops you're buying, which you definitely should, just substitute the month/year when you purchased them.

The same basic method works for grain and yeasts.
Yes Bob, using the title to document everything about a Hop is one approach, IMO not the right one.  This has been asked for several times...

I can't believe that it's that hard to add these fields...

Now, AA% can't be changed in the inventory, at least I can't find it.  I can only update the title, qty and price

All of the data, including the name, origin (I use this to enter the vendor), inventory level, cost/unit, type (bittering/aroma/both), form (pellet/plug/leaf/CO2 extract/isomerized extract), Alpha and Beta percent, and hop storage index, can be changed by editing the values in the corresponding boxes. There's also a box where you can enter a description.

In order to do this, click on ingredients in the top menu bar and select hops. This will bring up a list of all of the hops entries. Double click on the hop you wish to edit.
Hey Bob

I think we are talking about 2 different things.  I'm talking about Inventory, seems like you are referring to Ingredients... Agree with ingredients you can do a lot more... Inventory... not so much

Whatever you have in ingredients will show up under inventory, Inventory is just a quick check of what you have on hand. I think you're confusing the functions.

The bug when exporting to beerxml with respect to the color seems to be still existing in the beta,21018.msg75174.html#msg75174

When EBC is selected, the color tag is still exported as EBC. However, beerxml standard requires SRM:

COLOR | Required:YES | Format: Floating Point | Desc ription: The color of the item in Lovibond Units (SRM for liquid extracts).

Would be great, if this could be changed for 3.1

Oginme said:
At the very least, if the grain absorption could be moved to the equipment profile then it could be easily accessed within a recipe to be changed.  More importantly, the grain absorption could be  tuned based upon each process a brewer uses.  Since the absorption is a function of equipment and process and all other process specific variables are captured in  the equipment profile.

This ^^
Bug in export/import fermentation data as beersmith CSV?!

I am on a german system with ',' as decimal separator. CSV export function uses ',' as decimal separator which will be interpreted as column separator during import.

It seems to be that the decimal separator has to be set as '.' per default during export.

I am running an iSpindle and have written some scripts to store the data in a local sql database. I have added an export as csv and I will add the functionality to export it in a beersmih csv format.

Will add a comment here once it is working.

iSpindle data import is working with my local test system. I am using the beersmith.csv format for export from my system.

So far only Plato is working as unit.

Attachment shows an imported dataset. I will post a link to my repo, once I uloaded the version to GIThub


  • Anmerkung 2020-06-15 121602.png
    Anmerkung 2020-06-15 121602.png
    54.1 KB · Views: 576
  So far I've corrected the color export in BeerXML and the comma issues exporting and importing CSV when using the comma format numbers.  I'm working on fixing some refresh issues with tabs on large format screens as well and hope to have these in the next build (3.1.4).  Have not yet worked the inventory issue or grain absorption.

BeerSmith said:
  So far I've corrected the color export in BeerXML and the comma issues exporting and importing CSV when using the comma format numbers.  I'm working on fixing some refresh issues with tabs on large format screens as well and hope to have these in the next build (3.1.4).  Have not yet worked the inventory issue or grain absorption.



I also updated the iSpindle TCP server repo to allow the export of fermentation data in beersmith csv format. This can be imported with the Import CSV option

The latest version of the server can be found here:

Export from the iSpindel server can be selected as standard csv with all data (e.g. for Excel) or beersmith csv (see picture)

I will work on the new english text and update the lang.xml file ASAP.



  • Anmerkung 2020-06-15 193445.png
    Anmerkung 2020-06-15 193445.png
    99.8 KB · Views: 587
Update - I posted a new build 3.1.4 today with several fixes.

  - Corrected some issues with high res screens not displaying tabs and titles properly
  - Added several strings to the Res.xml file to support translation of mash timer steps - previously these were hardcoded
  - Fixed an issue with exporting CSV files when numeric format was set to use commas as decimal delimiter
  - Fixed a problem with BeerXML export of Color in SRM when default units set to EBC in program

Hey Brad,

So far so good with one exception... cursor position doesn't seem to show in any editable fields. Also, if tabbing to the next field, it would be good to highlight the field so that my typing replaces what's there.

Using Beta 3.1.4 on Mac OSX Catalina 10.15.5
That is odd - I just tried it here on my Catalina machine and it does properly show the cursor in all text fields. 
I'm also running 10.15.5 on my OSX and just updated it yesterday.

Posted a very minor update 3.1.5 today which had one final fix for BeerXML grain color export if your native units are EBC.

BeerSmith said:
That is odd - I just tried it here on my Catalina machine and it does properly show the cursor in all text fields. 
I'm also running 10.15.5 on my OSX and just updated it yesterday.

Very odd. I've just updated to 3.1.5 hoping maybe it would be fixed. No dice. Is there any other info I can give you to help pin this down?